Cyanogenic and Isothiocyanate glycosides Flashcards
Glycosides yielding hydrocyanic acid (HCN) as one of the products of hydrolysis
Cyanogenic glycoside
Both amygdalin and prunasin yield __ as __.
mandelonitrile, aglycones
Amygdalin is therefore a true glycoside rather than a maltoside True or False
Amygdalin (enzyme) (product)
amygdalin hydrolase, glucose + prunasin
Prunasin (enzyme) (product)
Prunasin hydrolase, glucose+ mandelonitrile
Mandelonitrile (enzyme) (product)
Mandelonitrile lyase, benzaldehyde + HCN
an enzyme obtained from almond kernels
Emulsin two enzymes
Amygdalase, prunase
Uses of emulsin
- Flavoring agent
2. Anti cancer (laetrile or Vit. B17) and possibility for control of sickle cell anemia
It is carefully dried stembark of Prunus serotina Ehrhart ( Fam. Rosaceae)
Wild cherry
Wild cherry is also known as
prunus virginia and wild black cherry tree
a compound formed by partial hydrolysis of
The yield of hydrocyanic acid varies from __ in the inner bark, __ in trunk bark, varies even in bark of the same thickness from the same tree
0.23%- 0. 32%, 0.03%
Wild cherry uses
Flavored vehicle especially in cough remedies
Sedative expectorant
Kernels of varieties of Prunus armeniaca Linne. ( Fam. Rosaceae)
Apricot pits
Does Prunus armeniaca Linne has a therapeutic effect?
The seeds of several mustard family plants contain glycosides, the aglycones of which are isothiocyanates
Isothiocynate glycosides
The glycosides are also termed
Mustard family (brassicaceae) which includes
- Oilseeds (rapeseed)
- Condiments (mustard and horseradish)
- Vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, and turnips)
–derived from indolylmethylglucosinolate
- shown to reduce risk of estradiol- linked mammary cancer
indole- 3-carbinol
- isolated from broccoli
- shown to induce anticarcinogenic protective enzymes
4- methylsulfinyl isothiocyanate
from black mustard
from white mustard
from rapeseed
Black mustard also called
brown mustard, sinapis nigra
Mustard is a dried ripe seeds of variety of
brassica nigra (linne.) Koch or of brassica juncea
product in the hydrolysis of black mustard, it is volatile
Allyl isothiocyanate
Allyl isothiocyanate commonly called
Volatile mustard oil
Also called Sinapis Alba
White mustard
Black mustard fixed oil
white mustard fixed oil
20- 25%