Sanskrit P Flashcards
Parama-atman or paramatman (“supreme self”)
the transcendental Self, which is singular, as opposed to the individuated self (jiva-atman) that exists in countless numbers in the form of living beings
Parama-hamsa, paramahansa (“supreme swan”)
an honorific title given to great adepts, such as Ramakrishna and Yogananda
compiler of the Yoga Sutra, who lived c. 150 C.E.
Pingala-nadi (“reddish conduit”)
the prana current or arc ascending on the right side of the central channel (sushumna-nadi) and associated with the sympathetic nervous system and having an energizing effect on the mind when activated; cf. ida-nadi
Prajna (“wisdom”)
the opposite of spiritual ignorance (ajnana, avidya); one of two means of liberation in Buddhist yoga, the other being skillful means (upaya), i.e., compassion (karuna)
Prakriti (“creatrix”)
nature, which is multilevel and, according to Patanjali’s yoga-darshana, consists of an eternal dimension (called pradhana or “foundation”), levels of subtle existence (called sukshma-parvan), and the physical or coarse realm (called sthula-parvan); all of nature is deemed unconscious (acit), and therefore it is viewed as being in opposition to the transcendental Self or Spirit (purusha)
Prakriti-laya (“merging into Nature”)
a high-level state of existence that falls short of actual liberation (kaivalya); the being who has attained that state
Prana (“life/breath”)
life in general; the life force sustaining the body; the breath as an external manifestation of the subtle life force
Pranayama (from prana and ayama, “life/breath extension”)
breath control, the fourth limb (anga) of Patanjali’s eigthfold path, consisting of conscious inhalation (puraka) retention (kumbhaka) and exhalation (recaka); at an advanced state, breath retention occurs spontaneously for longer periods of time
Prasada (“grace/clarity”)
divine grace; mental clarity
Pratyahara (“withdrawal”)
sensory inhibition, the fifth limb (anga) of Patanjali’s eightfold path
Puja (“worship”)
ritual worship, which is an important aspect of many forms of yoga, notably bhakti yoga and Tantra
Puraka (“filling in”)
inhalation, an aspect of breath control (pranayama)
Purana (“Ancient [History]”)
a type of popular encyclopedia dealing with royal genealogy, cosmology, philosophy, and ritual; there are eighteen major and many more minor works of this nature
Purusha (“male”)
the transcendental Self (atman) or Spirit, a designation that is mostly used in Samkhya and Patanjali’s yoga-darshana