sampling Flashcards
a group of people who are the foucus of the researchers interest from which a smaller sample is drawn
a group of people who take part in a research investigation. the sample is drawn for a target population
when certain groups are over-under represented within the sample selected
the extent to which findings and conclusions from research can be applied to the population
random sampling
all members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected
- lottery method
systematic sampling
when every nth member is selected
stratified sampling
the sample reflects the proportions of people in certain subgroups (strata) within the target population or wider population
opportunity sampling
select people who are available
volunteer sampling
participants self select to be apart of the sample
random sampling AO3
- potentially unbiased, CV and EV should be equally divided between different groups (high internal validity)
- difficult and time consuming
systematic sampling AO3
- method is objective (no say from the researcher)
- time consuming - participants may say no
stratified sampling AO3
- representative sample (accurately reflects the composition of the population)
- generalisable
- no complete representation ( strata cannot reflect all ways that people are different)
volunteer sampling AO3
- easy, less time consuming
- volunteer bias - may attract a certain profile ( people who take interest in the topic of research)
opportunity sampling AO3
- convenient (low cost, quick and easy)
- suffers from bias ( unrepresentative of target population, researcher bias)