reliability and validity Flashcards
does it measure what it says it measures?
external reliability
the ability to produce the same results every time the test is carried out
internal reliability
extends to which the measure is consistent within itself.
internal validity
when the outcome is the result of the variables that are manipulated in the study
external validity
the extent to which findings can be generalised to other settings
population validity
whether we can generalise the results to the wider population
ecological validity
whether we can generalise the results from the settings of the study to other settings
temporal validity
whether the results are relevant today (no old research)
face validity
a judgement about if a test seems to be valid
concurrent validity
if the test shows similar findings to other existing measures
predictive validity
measured by how well a test will predict future performance
test-retest reliability
the measure used to assess the consistency of a measurement instrument over time
inter-observer reliability
the extent to which different raters agree in assessing a particular behaviour or characteristic