SABT C Agent Cashier Flashcards
2 Demonstrate the proper method of obtaining, using, reporting the expenditure of, and returning agent cashier funds.
1 List the types of agent cashier expenditures which are authorized and the types of agent cashier expenditures which are forbidden.
1-Evidence, information, CI subsistence (when Gov card cant be used)
2-Extraordinary circumstance exist where the financial system is not operational and cash will be necessary for the continuity of the operations Natural disaster
- UC credit card issued by is an acceptable form of payment and use of agent cashier fundsEUP Enhanced UC program (EUP)
-Not Authorized
Batteries, CD, cameras and other inve supplies to support an inv.
3 ID problems areas for special agents with regard to the expenditure of agent cashier funds.
- money used for unauthorized purposes
- total amount of funds listed incorrectly
- failure to list a CI number
Not for personal use
- Do not intermingle with personal funds
- Personal checks cannot be used to repay funds
4 ID the monetary limits of agents cashier funds that require special authorization to exceed.
5 List the acceptable methods for the storage of agent cashier funds.
- Agents have the duty and responsibility to exercise caution in safe keeping,
- lock money in you trunk vault and guns, Temp storage 2ndary locking
- under no circumstance should funds be stored in an unlocked filing cabinet in an ATF office.
- Exercise prudence when carrying funds on your person or storing at residence
What are the Agent cashier fund limits for evidence purchased on a HIDTA or OCDETF investigation (who approves) A 25,000 B 15, 000 C, 50,000 D, 45, 000
SAC approval for money over
C $50,000 per inv
What is Regular inv limit for drug purchase by SA per a single suspect
a 10,000
b 20,000
c 15,000
d 25, 000
c $15,000 per single single suspect
Lost or stolen funds call your
RAC or GS immediately and
Memorandum to SAC relating facts surrounding the incident
-carelessness or neglect result SAC may recommend repayment by the agent
Funds not used within ____ will be immediately returned to subcashier (RAC/GS) or alternate
- May not be retained for use in other inv
- funds remaining aft a purchase will be returned to the subcahier without unnecessary delay
48 hours
Agents WO prior approval may expend personal funds for EM investigative expenses not to exceed____
A 100
B 50
C 200
D 300
C 200
can pay a person providing information without documenting as a CI
can do this on a one time basis need not be documented
Rewards for CI who approve and what the max amount
SAC up to 25k
Who must approve a SA using agent cashier to purchase evidence outside of ATF jurisdiction
C Director
D Field Operations Deputy assistant director (DAD)
Expenditures exceeding 50,000 are to be requested via memorandum required approval of the
D Field Operations DAD and Case Management Branch (CMB)
Approval of the DAD, Field Operations and CMB case management branch
-CMB will conduct an N-Force review and background inv prior to presenting to the DAD
in and EM and only with authorization from \_\_\_ a Gov purchase card may be used for an inv agent cashier expenditure. A. SAC B DAD C RAC/ GS D Director
T/F Can Gov credit card be used to provide services necessary to support an inv. ie. Teletrack, pen registers, record search, duplication, telephone wire tap monitoring services as long as a sing purchase, for for service, or series of expenditure for the same service or item does not exceed the card 3,000 micro purchase limit
if agent cashier money are lost or stolen funds must be immediately notify the A SAC B RAC/ GS C DAD D Dep Director
B RAC/ GS and memorandum to the SAC thru RAC/ GS
T/F If agent cashier is lost or stolen and carelessness or neglect is clearly indicated, the Chief, Special OP Division and SAC may recommend repayment by the SA
Fronting requires who approval and what is the may limit authorized for this purpose A 5,000 B 2,000 C 10,000 D 1, 000
A 5,000
SAC may authorize
What is the max amount of money that can be used as a Flash Roll and who approve A 100,000 B 40,000 C 30,000 D 50,000
D 50,000
SAC may authorize, must be in company of LEO, CI never handle the money
max amount of cash allowed per day for CI subsistence are A 100 B 200 C 300 D 400
B 200, CI needs to sign receipt and can use his alias if its documented, CI # is not an acceptable as alias
CI may be granted awards, this is not based on prosecution or conviction the max amount are\_\_\_ and by who A 15,000 B 20,000 C 25,000 D 30,000
C 25,000
by the SAC
What funds are used to cover all relocation expenses of CI and who must approve
Agent Cashier
However, if a series of expenditure occur within a 5 day period, one report will be submitted\_\_ A in 5 Days B 2 days C soon as possible D the next business day
C soon as possible (Report of expenditure must bee submitted to the RAC/GS immediately upon completion)
-within the month the occur
Request to open UCBA UC Bank Accounts will be submitted thru the ___ from the Field Division AC fund.
SAC to chief , SOD branch
-may not be transferred from one inv to another
when requesting a cash advance must complete
1 the amount requested
2 clear statement of the objective
3 specific description of how the funds will be expended
4 anticipated results
5 suspect name and address
6 any other info that may be pertinent to justifying the intended purchase.
7 total funds expended in case to date