SABT 6 I Scene Documentation Flashcards
To determine whether the explosive was accidental or criminal in nature.
-preserve the integrity of the scene and document the scene and evidence
-Develop inv leads that identify the person and or factors responsible for causing the explosion
Primary Objective of a Post blast scene investigation
The 4 major reason to properly document a post blast scene
1 Preservation and integrity of the evidence for judicial proceedings
2 to tell a story about what happened
3 To let a judge and jury visualized the post blast scene
4 Public expects nothing less than fully competent processing and documenting of the post blast scene
3 list each of the members involved in the team concept of scene documentation an identify the duties of each member.
- Team supervisor lead
- Photographer These 3 must work together
- Evidence technician
- Schematic artist
- Interview leads coordinator
- Immediate area investigation unit (interview team)
- immediate area search unit (scene team)
- General area investigative unit (interview team)
- General area search unit (scene team)
- Forensic chemist
- ATF explosive enforcement EEO
- Safety officer
4 ID the three critical roles in scene documentation and ID the duties of each role
T Question
1Schematic artist
2 Photographer
3 Evidence tech
5 Id the methods used to establish and secure a post blast scene or a scene after the execution of an explosive search warrant
Establishing a perimeter
No exact distance only guidelines
- 1 /2 times distance rule
- Farthest piece of debris plus 50 feet
- minimum distance of 300 feet from blast seat
- Hazmat operation guideline
- hot zone, warm zone, cold zone
- inner perimeter/ outer perimeter
- incident by incident basis
All search areas (immediate and general)
Hot Zone
Minimum of ____ fro for hot zone recommended
-300 feet
This zone used to support the operation
Warm zone
All areas beyond the warm zone (media)
Cold Zone
Best evidence will be here
- be alert regarding on scene hazards
- locate seat of explosion
- coordinate with scene documentation team members bf disturbing blast seat
- coordinate with team supervisor and scene documentation members with regard to what area will be deemed immediate search area
-Immediate Area search unit duties
1 establish a cleared route for everyone going into the scene
2 one way in, one way out
3 this is the doorway into general overall scene
4 if possible, assign individual at entry control point to log who goes in, the time and their position on team
Entry Control Point
Divide the scene into grids. Large or small, search outer area first then work towards the blast seat
Grid Search
This is a search technique entail a focal point, such as the blast seat, then spiraling away or towards this point.
-more effective when there are not trained search personal
Spiral Search
straight line of personnel, walking in line thru a search area (grid, sector, quadrant, zone, area)
-maintain the integrity of the line looking for possible evidence
Line / strip search
Similar to the grid search, in that you would divide our sene into zones, can vary in size, depending on the scope of the incident, topography.
-Search the outer zones first, working towards the blast seat.
-As outer zones are completed you could shrink the outer perimeter just like the grid search.
Zone Search
8 ID and explain the methods of documenting, collecting, and packaging explosive evidence
- Exhibit #
- brief description of exhibit
- location where exhibit was found
- date and time of when the exhibit was found
- Name of person who collected the exhibit
- This same person will affix his/her signature to maintain the chain of custody of this exhibit. (another team member will also affix their signature.
Who conduct initial walk thru of scene with team supervisor, SACES and ATF forensic chemist
- Serves as technical advisor to all team members with regard to explosives related issues
- Evaluates evidence and investigation information
- Determine whether incident is criminal or accidental in nature
- render technical opinions with regards to device design, functioning, and classification
- Provides briefing with regard to technical opinions are appropriate
Explosive Enforcement Officer (EEO)
who handle and package explosive evidence for explosive scenes
ATF EEO’s and SACES will determine if evidence can safely be taken into custody.
-all explosive evidence will be be handled and package by EEO, SACES and or forensic chemist