SABT 5 C Arsonn motives and Bomber Behavior Flashcards
-A _________ is a list of behavioral, personality, and biographical traits of an unknown offender.
-can include Sex, age (most difficult to predict), race, education level,
employment, history, socio/ economic status, physical and mental health history, psycho sexual issues, personal habits/ lifestyle/relationships, resident/anchor point location
Social and psychological assessment of the perpetrator of a crime.
-Personality types exhibit similar behavior patterns.
-knowledge of these pattern can assist in the ID and apprehendion of a suspect
1 Explain the use of behavioral analysis,
- Refer to the analysis of crime scene, crime scene activity, and known offenders from a more behavioral focus or lens. Had its orgin in the FBI academy in the 1970’s.
- can predict sex, age (most difficult), race, education, employment, socio economic status, physical and mental health history, psycho sexual issues, personal habits, lifestyles and relationships.
-A method of analyzing a subjects statement, be they are verbal or written, in order to detect deception, uncover leakage-type information, identify area of missing time (where critical information is being purposefully edited out) in a subject story and to ascertain
Statement analysis
-(developed in west germany 1950’s UDO Undeutsch
- Refers Study of a victim of a violent crime
- a detailed examination of the victim, be it a person or targeted structure, to assist in development of a motive. The question is asked “Whats is going on in the life of the victim to lead it or him to become the victim of a violent attack”
-detailed examination of the victim, bet it a person or targeted structure, to assist in the development of a motive.
in identifying suspects in arson and bombing investigations
2 Define the role of an ATF profiler in assisting in arson and bombing investigations
- narrow the focus of the investigation
- involves the social and psychological assessment of crime by trying to understand the underlying personality behind the crime scene behavior.
3 Identify and define common 6 motives for the crime of arson and the common characteristics of fire setters.
- Vandalism
- Excitement
- Revenge
- crime concealment
- extremist
- Arson for profit
4 Identify and explain the different aspects of destructive device deign, their components and intended effects, and the behavior of the bomber to assets in identifying suspects
- Alternative to forensic hypnosis
- Development of systematic method for interviewing victims and witnesses
- Based on theories of cognitive psychology
- Drawn upon knowledge of memorization
- Detecting of deception application
The Cognitive INTERVIEW= CI
-Witness, not the interviewer, accesses the details
CUIDED RETRIEVAL (Cognitive Interview Cont)
-Witness Driven
Sequence of Cognitive Interview
- Introduction
- Open added narratives
- Probing
- Review
- Close
What relates to two distinct services:
When dealing with a known individual, assessing the actual potential for his acting out violently in a particular situation; in an anonymous or unknown threat case, again correctly assessing the level of risk for the threat being carried out, as well as developing a psycho/sociolinguistic profile of the subject.
Threat Assessment
What is related to purposefully crafting language to broadcast or otherwise release to media outlets, in order to motivate and offender to communicate with authorities or elicit the cooperation of hitherto unknown witnesses or co-conspirators
Media Strategies
What refers to offering language to the probable cause section of an affidavit, again based on research, training and experience
Search Warrant Assistance
What will analyze an offenders target selection and hunting behaviors, which is particularly evident in certain predatory crimes such as sexual homicides and assaults, serial arsons, robbery, burglary and even bombings. The service works particularly well with serial crimes.
Geographic Profiler
What is things done which ar not necessary to commit the crime, IT is Necessary behavior
-aid the offender in escaping undetected, but psychologically necessary for the offender
MO + Ritual =
An inner drive or impulse that is the cause, reason or incentive that induces or prompts a specific behavior
Six Motive for arson
1 Vandalism = malicious mischief (#1 motive) 2 Excitement 4 types 3 Revenge 4 subtypes 4 Crime concealment 5 Extremist 6 Profit
Mischievous motivation that result in destruction or damage (white male, start at early age, after school, work and weekends
Four sub categories of the excitement motive:
Arson Motives Excitement (WM, arrest records, mental history, middle class, stable employment, closer than mother than father, problems in school)
Thrills Recognition Attention Sexual (revenge) numb one reason for fire may not make sense to others but it make perfect sense to the fire setter.
is a unique from of behavior where the offender intentionally manipulates or alters the crime scene for the purpose of misdirecting the inv (concealing the motive) and or diverting attention-away from someone who would be considered a logical subject
Is a pattern analysis examing time of day, day of week, etc of a criminal series
Temporal Analysis
What is the number one most common and deadly motive for fires are
Most singe most dangerous fire setter
Societal revenge
are investigative indicators that lead the investigator to a particular motive.
-Is not proof
Red Flags
Three or more fires set in separate location with a significant cooling off period between fires.
Serial Arsonist
Most violent crimes particularly serial violent crimes, are borne out of issuers of _____ and anger
Serial arson research has also noted how their fire setting becomes a means to relieves stress for the arsonist
Stress Relief
- Fires set for an ideological purpose
- The offender frequently communicate with the media and authorities to claim responsibility and publicize their cause
- Symbolic words and symbols, including satanic or ritualistic material, often suggest youthful offenders
Who is a loner feels rejected few friends lacks cunning set fires near home nocturnal Abuses Alcohol
Behavioral Characteristics of Disorganization Arsonist
what is often one of the most beneficial investigative tools in solving a violent crime, assist in development of a motive. What is going on in the life of the victim to lead them to become the victim of a violent attack.
Was the victim targeted and why
eposes bomber motivation and may identify potential suspects
What are the two categories of motive
1 Instrumental motives-(makes sense easily explained i.e. insurance fraud)
2 Expressive Motives-emotional or psychological source i.e. revenge, excitement) may be done by drugs or alcohol, mental disorder
Rational motives, profit, criminal enterprise , crime concealment =
Instrumental Motives
what is Emotional motives, revenge, excitement, experimentation/ vandalism, ideology
Expressive Motives
Expressive motivation may be influenced by (TQ)
mental disorder, drugs, alcohol
Start with complete, through and methodical scene processing
- Device reconstruction
- Identification of components
- method of delivery
- Intended effect
Analysis of the Device
Describe offenders who commit crimes on impulse with little or no forethought, planning or preparation. This disorganization translates into disorganized personal behavior and less success in societal contexts
Disorganized Behavior
Describes offenders who have the ability to think, plan, and prepare for their crimes. This level of forethought appears in other facets of their lives
Organized behavior
Those who manufactured and employ improvised explosive mixtures and devices out of sheer curiosity
Those who use bombs for sinister purpose
Malevolent bombers
How we can understand the underlying personality behind the crime scene behavior. How a subject may act in his day to day or non criminal life =
Pattern Recognition
1980 former Israeli police polygrapher Avinoam Sapier developed and marketed his version of statement analysis name Scientific content Analysis process to eliminate truthful subjects from a suspect pool and a 8 page questionnaire