S4: Cerebellum & Ataxia Flashcards
The Cerebellum is Divided Anatomically into …..
The Cerebellum is Divided Histologically into …..
The Cerebellum is Divided Phylogenetically into …..
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Consists of ….
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Phylogenitically
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Connected With
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Function
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Dysfunction
What are cerebellar syndromes?
- Archi-Cereberallar Syndrome
- Neo-Cerebellar syndrome
CP of Archi-Cerebellar Syndrome
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of Integration of voluntary moter characterized by ….
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of compound movement:
- Asthenia (Usually subjective).
- Hypermetria and Hypometria.
- Decomposition of movement.
- Adiadochokinesia: Disturbance in patient’s ability to perform rapid alternative movements.
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of muscle tone:
Def of Ataxia
- Incoordination of voluntary motor activity with or without disequilibrium in absence of
motor weakness.
Types of Ataxia
1) Cerebellar ataxia.
2) Sensory ataxia.
3) Vestibular ataxia.
4) Combined ataxia.
5) Hysterical ataxia.
Causes of Cerebellar Ataxia
- Heredofamilial (i.e. hereditary ataxia)
- Symptomatic
Causes of Cerebellar Ataxia
- Heredofamilial
Heredofamilial (i.e. hereditary ataxia)
- Friedreich’s ataxia.
- Marie’s ataxia.
Causes of Cerebellar Ataxia
- Symptomatic
Def of Heredofamilial Ataxias
Site of degeneration in Friedrich’s Ataxia
- Spino-cerebellum.
- Posterior column.
- Pyramidal tract.
- Peripheral nerves.
Age in Friedrich’s Ataxia
The 1st decade.
Onset in Friedrich’s Ataxia
Course in Friedrich’s Ataxia
Slowly progressive.
CP in Friedrich’s Ataxia
Friedrich’s Ataxia is associated with …..
Sites of Degeneration in Marie’s Ataxia
- Olive, Pontine nuclei.
- Neo-cerebellum.
Age in Marie’s Ataxia
The 2nd and 3rd decades.
Onset of Marie’s Ataxia
Course of Marie’s Ataxia
Slowly Progressive
CP of Marie’s Ataxia
- Neo-cerebellar syndrome.
- Preservation of deep reflexes.
- Extensor planter response.
Marie’s Ataxia is associated with
- Ocular nerve palsies.
- Mental impairment.
- Extra-pyramidal syndromes.
INVx for Heredofamilial Ataxia
INVx for Heredofamilial Ataxia
- Non-Structural INVx
- deficiency diseases, metabolic disorders, genetic…etc.
INVx for Heredofamilial Ataxia
- Structural INVx
Brain CT:
* Cerebellar hematoma, Large mass.
Brain MRI:
* Demyelination, Infarction, Congenital… etc.
TTT of Heredofamilial Ataxia
- Physiotherary → For balance training.
- Specific treatments → In cases of well-known treatable causes.
- No specific pharmacotherapy → For hereditary ataxias.
Def of Sensory Ataxia
- It is due to interruption of the sensory pathways transmitting proprioceptive sensations.
Causes of Sensory Ataxia
Causes of Vestibular-Labyrinthine Ataxia
- Menier’s syndrome.
- Labyrinthitis: viral or toxic.
- Acoustic neuroma.