S4: Cerebellum & Ataxia Flashcards
The Cerebellum is Divided Anatomically into …..
The Cerebellum is Divided Histologically into …..
The Cerebellum is Divided Phylogenetically into …..
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Consists of ….
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Phylogenitically
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Connected With
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Function
Compare Between Archi-Cerebellum & Paleo-Cerebellum & Neo-Cerebellum
- Dysfunction
What are cerebellar syndromes?
- Archi-Cereberallar Syndrome
- Neo-Cerebellar syndrome
CP of Archi-Cerebellar Syndrome
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of Integration of voluntary moter characterized by ….
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of compound movement:
- Asthenia (Usually subjective).
- Hypermetria and Hypometria.
- Decomposition of movement.
- Adiadochokinesia: Disturbance in patient’s ability to perform rapid alternative movements.
CP of Neo-Cerebellar Syndrome
- Disturbance of muscle tone:
Def of Ataxia
- Incoordination of voluntary motor activity with or without disequilibrium in absence of
motor weakness.