S Energy Flashcards
What is energy
Its is the ability to do work
What is potential energy
This is the energy that an object has due to its position or shape
What is kinetic energy
This is the energy of an object that is in Motion
What is chemical energy
Energy may be stored in chemicals like food fuels and explosives
what is light energy
Most of the energy present on earth originated from the sun. light from the sun provides energy for plants to grow make food and oxygen for us
What is heat energy
When energy is given to an object, the temperature of the object may increase. The particles that make up the object move around more when they get hot
What is electrical energy
It is very convenient because it’s easily converted into other forms of energy.
What is sound energy
It is a form of kinetic energy created when objects vibrate
What is nuclear energy
The nucleus of an atom has an enormous amount of stored energy. When the nucleus is disturbed the atom may release this energy
What is energy conversions
Energy can be changed from one form to another. whenever energy is converted the total amount of energy that is lost in one form will be equal to the amount of energy created in it’s new form
Why do we say energy is conserved
We said that energy is conserved. Is it because energy cannot be created or destroyed
Definition the principle of conservation of energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed but only changed from one form to another
list of energies
Nuclear, light, heat, electrical, sound, kinetic, potential, chemical
What is our most important source of energy
The sun is our most important source of energy
what are fossil fuels made of
They are made of dead plants and animals have been converted to feuls over millions of years
What are fossil fuels made of
They are made of dead plants and animals have been converted to feuls over millions of years
What does The Heat Of The Sun do for us
He keeps us warm and from freezing to death. It keeps plants alive and grows them
How does the sun cause wind and waves
The sun heats up the land and air. This causes wind and waves. The wind and waves can be used to generate electricity
Whys the sun’s energy necessary for hydroelectricity
The sun’s energy is necessary to evaporate water to make rain. Rainforest rivers that are used to generate hydroelectricity
What converts sunlight to heating and electricity
Solar panels and solar cells converts sunlight to heat and electricity
What is renewable energy
A renewable energy source will never be used up
What is non-renewable energy
Non-renewable energy source will not be regenerated in our lifetime
Fossil fuels advantages
Easy to store and transport, relatively cheap, energy is available when needed
Fossil fuel disadvantages
They will eventually be used up, fossil fuels that are imported are very expensive, they cause global warming, burning fossil fuels cause acid rain which can kill fish and trees
What is nuclear fusion
Nuclear fusion occurs when two small nuclei are forced to join together. An enormous amount of energy is produced
What is nuclear fission
The splitting of a large nucleus to create two smaller nuclei and energy is called nuclear fission
Disadvantages of nuclear fission
Radioactive substances are made
fission reactors are expensive to build
Some products of nuclear energy can be used to make nuclear weapons
Advantages of nuclear fission
Vast amount of energy can be produced from a small amount of fuel
no carbon dioxide or acid rain is produced unlike fossil fuels
therefore nuclear fission does not contribute to global warming
Disadvantages of nuclear fusion
Controlled nuclear fusion has not been energy-efficient up to now
Fusion reactors are likely to be very expensive to build
Advantages of nuclear fusion
A large amount of energy can be produced from a small amount of fuel
No carbon dioxide is produced and does not contribute to global warming
The fuel is cheap plentiful and available from seawater
The radioactive products formed become safe in a short period of time
Original source of hydroelectric energy
Rivers can be dammed and the potential energy of the water can be converted into kinetic energy of the turbine and then into electricity in a generator
What is biomass
Biomass is the harvesting of chemical energy from plants and other organic material. There are several examples of biomass
What is wave energy
The kinetic energy of sea waves is used to generate electricity. Objects floating on top of the water can convert the kinetic energy of the water into electricity
What is tidal energy
It is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on the Earth
The energy of the moving water can be converted to electrical energy in two ways
where does geothermal energy come from
Geothermal energy comes from hot rocks deep under the surface of the Earth
What is wind energy
Use wind turbines to generate electricity. It is a very reliable source
What is solar energy
The sun is our primary source of energy on earth. We can drop the energy of the Sun using solar panels. There are two types of solar panels.
Name the two types of solar panels
One type heats water for use in the house
The second type is called a photovoltaic cell, it converts the sunlight into electricity
What does sustainability mean in energy usage
Sustainability is the conversion of balance in the worlds ecology indefinitely
What does sustainable energy usage mean
Sustainable energy usage means that the energy we use, will not damage the environment and will be available for many future generations at reasonable cost
What can we do to make our energy use more Sustainable
Insulating buildings better, use more efficient appliances, take public transport, being sensible with energy at home, and choose renewable sources of energy.
Calculating energy use
Work = force × distance
In this formula the force must always be in newton’s and the distance in metres
Calculating power
Power= work done (in joules) or P = W
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