RUSSIA - Key Dates Flashcards
Bloody Sunday - Group of peasants shot at during a peaceful protest.
Jan 22nd 1905
First Duma created
May 1906
4th Duma shut down
Mar 1917
National Womens day protests
23rd Feb 1917
Tsar Nicholas II abdicated and provisional Government created
2nd March 1917
June Offensive
June 1917
July Days
July 1917
Kornilov Revolt
August 1917
October Revolution
aka. Red October
24-25th October 1917
Order Number 1 Passed
1st March 1917
Lenin returns to Russia/ April thesis
April 1917
Treaty of Brest Litovsk signed - Start of Civil War
March 1918
Tsar and his family killed
July 1918
Russian Civil War
1918-1920 Red Win
Krondstadt Mutiny (previously loyal sailors revolt) and NEP started
March 1921
Formation of the USSR
Cheka (Bolshevik secret police) etablished
Lenin Dies
Jan 1924
Stalin rises to power - defeating all opponents using tactics such as “the left turn”.
The Great Terror
Trotsky exiled from USSR for breaking Lenin’s law of factions.
First 5 year plan - Industrial Output greatly increased eg. coal, iron, steel
Second 5 year Plan - Continuation of 1 but with consumer goods as well
Third 5 year Plan - Improvements to education, military and equipment
1938-41 (cut short due to German invasion)
Start of collectivisation
“Liquidation of the kulaks” begins
Stalin halts collectivisation to deceive more farmers into harvesting
The Holodomor in the Ukraine
Bukharin show trial
Sergei Kirov murdered, his death is blamed on Zinoview and Kamenev who are put on show trial short afterwards.
Dec 1934
Yezhovchina begins as Yezhov is appointed head of NKVD. Later, he was blamed for purgin and killed.
Leon Trotsky killed in Mexico. Assasin is pardoned awarded with the order of Lenin.
August 1940
World War 2 starts
Constitution made to show how the USSR was “democratic” and gain allies for the war
1936 Constiution
Event where Sergei Kirov recieved more votes that Stalin.
The 17th Party Congress
Trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev?
The Second Great Show Trial
21 high ranking officers were put on trial
The Women’s section of the Communist party “Zhenotdel” closes down
It was believed that equality had been reached.
Stalin increased the price of Divorce to try to demotivate married couples divorcing
The right for a woman to have an abortion banned
This was to increase birth rate
Male Homosexuality was made illegal
It was legalised in 1922 but was later outlawed by Stalin to try to “return to traditional values”
By what year were there only 500 Russian Orhtodox churches remaining in the country
It had been reduced from 54,000 to 500 between 1914 and 1941.
71,000 Ethnic Koreans were deported to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Going on Hajj to Mecca was banned for Muslims living in the USSR
Polish operation
100,000 Poles and “people with Polish Sympathies” were executed by the NKVD
Stalins speech saying how the USSR was “50 to 100 years behind the west”
The dnieper dam built
It was used as a showpiece to tell other countries how advanced the now USSR was.
Average lifespan of a Tractor
70 days
The Red Terror
At least 12,000 people were executed by the Cheka (Lenin’s secret police)
The first meeting of the constituent assembly
They were created to become a permanent and democratic government but failed
Alexander Kerensky appointed Prime Minister of Russia.
He replaced Prince Lvov.
July 1917
Time period that Tsar Nicholas II ruled for
He ended the Romanov dynasty which has been going on for over 300 years.
1896 - 1917
He took over from his father, Alexander II
October Manifesto
As a reply to the revolutions occurring around the country. It included: - Freedom of speech - End of Censorship - Freedom to meet openly - The right to form political Parties Many of these were not upheld
Rasputin dies
The Decrees of 1917
Included decrees on; Land, peace, work, press, banking, marriage.
November and December 1917
Ex mensheviks shot as “wreckers”
53 managers of Shakhty coal mines put on trial after being accused of conspiring to sabotage the Soviet Economy.
Henrikh Yagoda head of NKVD
July 1934 - 1936
Ryutin Affair
Martemyan Ryutin Crisitcises Stalin and collectivisation. The politburo would not let Stalin kill him and is then imprisoned. Later he is killed after being retried in 1937.
Nikolai Yezhov head of NKVD
1936 - 1938
Later killed in 1939 secretly after being blamed and confessing to crimes he did not committ. Edited out of photos.
Stalin Constitution