Rulings of ‘م’ and ‘ن’ Flashcards
Rulings of ‘م’ and ‘ن’
- ‘م’ and ‘ن’ with shaddah
- Rulings of ‘م’ with sukoon
- Rulings of ‘ن’ with sukoon and tanween
- Timings of Gunnahs
‘م’ and ‘ن’ with shaddah
The reciter must, when pronouncing ‘ م’ and ‘ ’ن
with shaddah, elongate the sound of Ghunnah as
complete as can be in joining and stopping,
Rulings of ‘م’ with sukoon
3-idhhar(clear pronunciation)
The first rule: Idgham (merging)
The ‘م’with Sukoon is merged when it is followed by only one letter which is ‘م’, with elongating the sound of Ghunnah as complete as can be,
The second rule: Ikhfaa (hiding)
It is to hide the sound of ‘م’with Sukoon, between Idgham and Idhhar, while keeping a long Ghunnah.
The ‘ م’ with Sukoon is hidden with Ghunnah
when it is followed by only one letter, which is
ب‘ ’
The third rule: Idhhar (clear pronunciation)
It is to pronounce the sound of ‘م’ with Sukoon clearly from its articulation point, without prolonging the sound of Ghunnah
The ‘م’ with Sukoon is pronounced clearly, when it is followed by any of the Arabic letters except ‘م’ and ‘ب’,
Ikhfaa Caution
The reciter should beware of making Ikhfaa (hiding) in ‘م’ with sukoon when it is followed by ‘و’ or ‘ف’,
And that is due to having the same articulation point as ‘و’, and having a close articulation point to ‘ف’
Benefit (1)
The sign of Idgham(merging) the ‘م’ with sukoonin the script of the Mushafis the removal of sukoonfrom it, and putting Shaddahon the next letter
Benefit (2)
The sign of Ikhfaa(hiding) the ‘م’ with sukoonin the script of the Mushafis the removal of sukoonfrom it, without putting Shaddahon the second letter,
Benefit (3)
The sign of Idhhar (clearly pronunciation) the ‘ ’م
with sukoon in the script of the Mushaf is
putting Sukoon over the ‘ م’,
The most common mistakes when
pronouncing the ‘ م’ with sukoon
1- Elongating the timing of Ghunnah more than
what it should be when making Idhhar:
2- Shortening the timing of Ghunnah less than
what it should be when making Idgham or
3- Leaving a gap between the 2 lips when
making Ikhfaa:
4- Hiding its sound when followed by ‘ و’ or ‘ :’ف
The rulings of the Noon Sakinah and Tanween - The Tanween
It is a non-voweled Noon used by the Arabs in the end of nouns when continuing reading but not when stopping. It is pronounced, not written. Its written symbol is doubling the Harakah
The rulings of the Noon Sakinah and Tanween - Attention
A single letter is not voweled by more than one
vowel at the same time. When we see two
Harakahs on a single letter, it means that the first
one is the Harakah of the letter and the second
represents its Tanween
The status of the Noon Sakinah and Tanween with the letters of the Alphabet
1-Ithhar(الإظهار )
2-Idgham(الإدغام )
3-Qalb(القلب )
The first Rule: Ithhar(الإظهار
The Noon Sakinahor Tanweenis made clear when followed by one of the six throat letters. They are:
ء ، ه ، ع ، ح ، غ ، خ
The Symbol of Clarifying the Noon Sakinah
The symbol of clarifying the Noon Sakinah in
the script of the mus’haf is putting the head of
the letter خ without a dot above the Noon
The Symbol of Clarifying the Tanween
The symbol of clarifying the Tanween in the
script of the mus’haf is overlapping the two
harakahs: the harakah of the letter and that which
indicates the tanween
The second Rule: Idgham(الإدغام
The Noon Sakinah or Tanween is merged when they are followed by one of the letters of the word
( يَرْ مُ لُونَ ).
It is divided into two types :
1- Idgham with Ghunnah, into the letters of (يَنْمُو ) or ( يُومِنُ ).
2-Idgham without Ghunnah, into the letters (ر ، ل )
The Mechanism of Idgham with Ghunnah
It was previously mentioned in the section of the articulation points of letters, that the letter Noon is divided into two halves: one half from the tongue, and one half from the nasal cavity (which is the Ghunnah).
The Mechanism of Idgham with Ghunnah, part 2
So during the Idgham with Ghunnah, the tongue half changes into the articulation point of the letter following the Noon, and the sound of the Ghunnah remains apparent and prolonged, accompanying the emission of the merged letter, so when the reciter reaches the pronounciation of the letter in which merging is performed, the sound of the prolonged Ghunnahbreaks
Idham with Ghunnah - Attention 1
The Noon Sakinah is not merged into the ‘ و’ or
ي‘ ’ when they meet in one word,
Idham with Ghunnah - Attention 2
Hafs from Aasim by the way of ash-shatibiyyah,
does not merge the Noon into the ‘ و’ when
joining the two words
The sign of Complete Idgham the Noon
The sign of complete Idgham of the Noon
Sakinah into the letters ( ن ، م ، ل ، ر ) is to remove
the sign of Sukoon from the Noon while stressing
the next letter,
The sign of Complete Idgham of the Tanween
The sign of complete Idgham of the Tanween into
the letters ( ن ، م ، ل ، ر ) is to put the two Harakahs
following each other: the harakah of the letter and
the one indicaring the Tanween, and stressing the next letter
The sign of Incomplete Idgham of the Noon Sakinah
The sign of incomplete Idgham of the Noon Sakinah into the two letters (و ، ي )is the removal of the sign of Sukoon from the ‘ن’ without stressing the next letter
The sign of Incomplete Idgham of the
The sign of incomplete Idgham of the Tanween
into the two letters ( و ، ي ) is to put the two
Harakahs following each other: the harakah of the
letter and the one indicating the Tanween, like
this: without stressing the next letter
The third Rule: Qalb ( (القلب
The changing of the Noon Sakinah
or Tanween when followed by a ‘ ب’ into a hidden
م‘ ’, with Ghunnah
The sign of Changing the Noon Sakinah - in القلب
The sign of changing the Noon Sakinah in the
script of the mus’haf is putting a small ‘ م’ above
the letter ‘ ن’ instead of the Sukoon
The sign of Changing the Tanween - in القلب
The sign of changing the Tanween in the script of
the mus’haf is putting a small ‘ م’ instead of the
second harakah which is the harakah indicating
the Tanween,
The fourth Rule: Ikhfaa (الإخفاء
The Noon Sakinahand Tanweenare hidden with a ghunnah at 15 letters, collected in the beginning letters of the words of this verse (by Sheikh Sulaimanal-jamzuri).
صف ذا ثناكم جاد شخص قد سما دم طيبا زد في تقى ضع ظالما
The meaning of Ikhfaa being a case
between Ithhar and Idgham
ghunnah — the tongue part
present — present — Ithhar
present — absent — Ikhfaa
absent — absent — Idgham
What needs to be done when pronouncing the
Hidden Noon
1- Preparing the mouth for the articulation point of the next letter.
2- This is accompanied by a completely prolonged Ghunnah from the nasal cavity.
3- It is also accompanied by a hint of a sound from the mouth due to not closing the articulation point of the Noon (the tongue part) except for the ‘ ق’ and ‘ ,’ك
due to the complete closure at them
Position of the tongue during the Ikhfaa of
the Noon at the ‘ ك’
The sound of the Ghunnah is light,
and the mouth part is locked at the
deepest part of the tongue
Position of the tongue during the Ikhfaa of
the Noon at the ‘’ق
The sound of the Ghunnah is heavy,
and the mouth part is locked at the
deepest part of the tongue
Ikhfaa - Attention
The sound of the Hidden Noon is heavy when
followed by a heavy letter,
Its sound is light when followed by a light letter
The sign of Ikhfaa the Noon Sakinah
The sign of Ikhfaa of the Noon Sakinah in the script of the mus’haf is the removal of the Sukoon from the Noon without stressing the next letter,
The sign of Ikhfaa the Tanween
The sign of Ikhfaa of the Tanween in the script of
the mus’haf is to put the two harakahs following
each other and not stressing the next letter
The Most common mistakes which occur when
pronouncing the Noon Sakinah and Tanween
1- Making them clear at the letters of Idgham,
Iqlab or Ikhfaa.
2- Merging them into ‘ و’ and ‘ ي’ without Ghunnah.
3- Keeping a gap between the lips when changing
them into a Hidden ‘ م’, as in :
4- Giving the mouth one shape at all the letters of
5- Prolonging the duration of their Ghunnah more
than required, as in:
6- Hiding them at the letters ‘ غ’ and ‘ خ’ (in a
recitation other than Abu Jaafer)