Letter Characteristics with Opposites Flashcards
The characteristic الصفة and Its opposite ضدها
whisper الهمس vs appearance الجهر
harshness الشدة vs in between البينية vs softness الرخاوة
elevation الاستعلاء vs lowering الاستفال
adhesion الإطباق vs opening الانفتاح
الهمس و الجهر
whisper and appearance
passage and stoppage of breath
The letters of whisper (10):
فحثه شخص سكت
The letters of appearance (19):
the rest of the letters
concealment in hearing due to the opening of the vocal cords and the lack of their vibration and the passage of a large amount of breath flow
the clarity in hearing due to the closing of the vocal
cords and their vibration and the blocking of the
breath flow
الشدة و الرخاوة و البينية
strength & softness & in between
passage of sound in articulation point
The Harsh Letters (8):
أجد قط بكت
The letters of in between (5):
لن عمر
The Soft Letters (16):
the rest of the letters
the blocking of the flow of the sound when pronouncing the harsh letter due to the closing of its articulation point
The harsh letters: categories
ك ت
قُطْبُ جَ د + ء
release of the sound after its blocking in
the strong letter
the pressure of the blocked sound behind the articulation point and its departure, both determine the nature of the sound
release of the breath after the blocking of the
sound in the harsh whispered letter
that is in : ك ، ت
The strength and the whisper in ك ، ت ,are two characteristics that come in order.
these 2 letters are strong in the beginning, whispered in the end
softness الرخاوة
the complete continuation of the sound of the soft letter when it passes through its articulation point
the partial continuation of the sound when it passes through the articulation point of the letter, due to the lack of its perfect/full closure
moderation in ل
partial continuation of the sound when
pronouncing ل because of the presence of the tip of the tongue in the sound’s exit
moderation in ر
partial continuation of the sound when pronouncing ر because the presence of the tip of the
tongue in its exit
moderation in ن ، م
partial continuation of the sound when pronouncing ن
and م because the opening of the nasal part, and the closing of the mouth part
moderation in ع
the partial continuation of the sound when pronouncing ع because of this organ receding to the back
Measuring the timing of the letters
The letters with sukoon- their timing is proportional to the continuity of their sound
The letters with harakah are equal in timing
Timing mistakes that occur when pronouncing the letters with harakah
1-prolonging the timing of the letter with harakah compared to its adjacent letters, is a mistake in reading called Tamteet تمطيط
2-shortening the timing of the letter with harakah compared to its adjacent letters, is a mistake in reading called Ikhtilas اختلاس ,
Measuring of the Timing of the letters with sukoon
1- soft letters timing longer than moderate letters
2- moderate letters timing longer than strong letters
3- letters with sukoon timing relative to recitation speed
heaviness and lightness الاستعلاء و الاستفال
direction of sound
The sound is not elevated to the upper palate
The rest of the letters
sometimes heavy: (ا ، ل ، ر )
The sound is elevated to the upper palate
خُصَّ ضَغْطٍّ قِظْ
thickness in the letter, so the mouth is filled with its echo, and that is due to the tightening of the throat and the elevating of the sound of the letter to the roof of the palate.
thinning of the letter, so the mouth is not filled with its echo,
and that is due to the lack of tightening of the
throat and the lowering
of the sound of the
Degrees of Heaviness- The First School
1- Letter with fatha
2- Letter with dhamma
3- Letter with kasrah
As for the letter with sukoon, it is considered having the harakah of the preceding letter
Degrees of Heaviness: The Second School
1- letter with long fatha 2- letter with short fatha 3- letter with dhamma 4- letter with sukoon 5- letter with kasrah
The rule of alif
Alif depends on the preceding letter in terms of heaviness and lightness,
Shape of the tongue when pronouncing the heavy and the light alif
heavy alif is accompanied by the concavity of the middle of the tongue as well as the tightening of the throat unlike the light alif
The rule of ل
Arabs pronounce ل heavy in the word
الله whenever it is preceded by fatha or dhamma
when it is preceded by kasrah then ل remains on its original state of lightness
Shape of the tongue when pronouncing the heavy and the light ل
heavy ل is accompanied by the concavity of the middle of the tongue as well as the tightening of the throat,unlike the light ل
The rules of ر
1- ر is pronounced heavy in 8 cases.
2-it is pronounced light in 4 cases.
3-both ways are permissible in 2 cases
Cases of heaviness of ر
1- if ر has a fatha
2- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by fatha,
3- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by a letter with sukoon (other than ي), and this letter is preceded by fatha
4- if ر has a dhammah
5- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by dhammah
6- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by sukoon, and that letter is preceded by dhammah
7- if ر has a sukoon, and is preceded by a kasrah that is not original
8- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by kasrah, and is followed by a heavy letter that is not with Kasrah in the same word
Cases of lightness of ر
1- if ر has a kasrah,
2- if ر has sukoon and is preceded by an original kasrah, and not followed by a heavy letter
3- if ر has a sukoon, and is preceded by a light letter with sukoon, and before it is a Kasrah
4- if ر has sukoon and preceded by a letter ي with sukoon
Cases where ر can be either Light
or Heavy
1- when joining فرق كالطود
2- when stopping مصر القطر
Shape of the tongue when pronouncing the heavy and the light ر
heavy ر is accompanied by the concavity of the middle of the tongueand the tightening of the throat unlike the light ر
adhesion and separation الإطباق و الانفتاح
compression of sound between tongue and roof of mouth
The sound is not compressed between the tongue and the upper palate. The rest of the letters
The sound is compressed between the tongue and the upper palate (ص ، ض ، ط ، ظ )
Rule of heaviness
The 7 letters of heaviness are 2 categories:
1- heavy compressed: and they are 4 letters : ص ، ض ، ط ، ظ
2-heavy open: and they are 3 letters : غ ، خ ، ق
heavy compressed letter is heavier than the heavy open