One Flashcards
Knowledge of Tajweed ruling
Application of Tajweed ruling
Articulation points of letters ruling
Applying it is Mandatory
Violating it is HARAM
Characteristics of letters ruling
1- Characteristics that in changing them, would change the meaning: violating is HARAM
2- Beautifying Characteristics (2 categories)
Beautifying Characteristics ruling (that do not change the meaning): (2 categories)
1- In case of teaching and learning:
Sticking to it is Mandatory, and
Violating it is HARAM
2- In case of usual recitation (2 cases)
Beautifying Characteristics In case of usual recitation: (2 cases) ruling
1- from a knowledgeable person proficient in Tajweed:
Violating it is HARAM
2- For the average Muslim: no sin
Major Mistakes
mistake in pronunciation that changes the meaning
Minor Mistakes
mistake in pronunciation that alters the
perfect recitation without changing
the meaning
Definition of Quran
It is the miraculous words of Allah, that was sent down to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and transmitted to us by Attawaatur.
mass transmission of a report/saying, generation to generation, from the beginning of the chain to its end, such that it becomes impossible that the narrators gathered upon a lie.
The linguistic meaning of Tajweed
to beautify something
The technical meaning of Tajweed
The science that is known by the correct pronunciation of the Arabic letters, and that is through knowing the articulation points, and the internal and conditional characteristics, and what rules arise from them.
Subtopics of the Science of Tajweed
• Articulation points of the letters.
• The internal characteristics of the letters
• The conditional characteristic of the letters:
-Rules of meem sakinah
-Rules of noon sakinah & tanween
-Rules of madd
speed of recitation
1) At-Tahqeeq: slowly without exaggeration
2) At-Tadweer: medium speed.
3) Al-Hadr: quickly, without mixing letters
Tarteel is comprised of all three speeds, for Tarteel is to apply Tajweed of the letters and to know where to stop.
And no matter the speed of the recitation, the reciter must stick to Tarteel.
ruling of التعوذ
He must begin by the Ta’awwuth, in compliance to the Almighty saying:
فَإِذَا قَرَأْتَ الْقُرْآنَ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّـهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيمِ
Whether he is reading from the beginning or the middle of a surah.
ruling of البسملة
it is necessary at the beginning of every surah of the Qur’an except Surat Al-Tawbah.
So if the reader wants to read from the middle of a surah and not from the beginning, then he has a choice between saying al-basmalah or not.
different ways to say altaawuth & al-basmallah
1- Separating all three
2- Separating at-Ta’awwutth from al-basmalah, and
joining the basmalah with the first ayah
3- joining at-Ta’awwuth with basmalah, and
separating them from the first ayah
4- Joining all three
different ways to say al-basmallah between two surahs
1- end / bismillah / begin - permissible
2- end / bismillah + begin - permissible
3- end + bismillah + begin - permissible
4- end + bismillah / begin - prohibited
why prohibited to join bismillah to previous Surah and separate from new Surah?
Because it gives the impression that the Basmallah belongs to the former Surah, this way is impermissible
articulation point of letter
the place of emission of the letter when pronuncing it, and that differentiates this specific letter from other letters
Main articulation areas
- Al-Jawf: The empty space in the mouth and the throat
- The throat
- The mouth: upper palate, tongue, teeth, and lips
- The nasal passage
The throat
articulation points: 3
letters: 6
articulation points: 10
letters: 18
The two lips
articulation points: 2
letters: 4
The nasal passage
articulation points: 1
letters: Ghunnah letters
The empty space in the mouth and the throat
articulation points: 1
letters: 3 lengthendletters
parts of throat
upper - tongue root
lower - vocal cords
the upper palate
front to back:
gums The front of the palate The hard palate The soft palate uvula
parts of the tongue
deepest part - اقصى middle part front - ادنى tip - منتهى edge
definition of letter
It is a sound that relies on an articulation point, precise or estimated
formation of the letter in the human pronunciation system - The letter with sukoon:
by the contact of two parts of the pronunciation organ
formation of the letter in the human pronunciation system - The letter with Harakah:
by the separation of the two parts of the pronunciation organ, as well as the articulation point of its vowel
3 letters of madd
1- ا الألف
2- الواو المدية : with sukoonand preceded by a letter with dhammah
3- الياء المدية : with sukoonand preceded by a letter with kasrah
ف alif(ا)
Pronounced by the:
- The vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx
- The opening of the mouth
- The tongue is in the resting position
waaw almadd الواو المدية
Pronounced by the:
- The vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx
- Forming a circle with the lips without them touching
- The elevation of the deepest part of the tongue
الياء المدية yaa almadd
Pronounced by the:
- The vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx
- The lowering of the lower jaw
- The elevation of the middle of the tongue
throat articulation points
- The lower part of the throat: ء -ه
- The middle of the throat: ح –ع
- The upper part of the throat: خ -غ
القاف - ق
articulated from the deepest part of the tongue and the roof of the mouth (soft palate)
الكاف - ك
is articulated from the deepest part of the tongue and the roof of the mouth (hard and soft palate) الكاف is a little under .القاف
الجيم - ج
is emitted from the middle of the tongue and the
middle of the hard palate.
الشين - ش
is emitted from the middle of the tongue and the
middle of the hard palate.
الياء - ي
Non-Madd ياء is emitted from the middle of the tongue
and the middle of the hard palate.
الضاد - ض
is emitted from one of the sides of the tongue with the
upper molars left or right. It can be also emitted from both sides at the same time
اللام - ل
is emitted from the nearest part of the sides of the tongue up to the end of its tip, and the gum
Comparison between the heavy ل and the soft ل
The heavy ل is accompanied by the concavity of the
middle of the tongue unlike the light ل
النون - ن
is emitted from the tip of the tongue and the gum, slightly under the articulation point of .اللام
النون is accompanied by a nasal sound.
الراء - ر
الراء is emitted from the tip of the tongue and the gum, close to the articulation point of .النون
Comparison between the heavy ر and the soft ر
concavitiy of tongue for heavy ر
الطاء - ط، الدال - د، و التاء - ت
These letters are emitted from the top part of the tip of
the tongue and the gum line of the two top incisors.
الصاد - ص، السين - س، والزاي - ز
These letters are emitted from the tip of the tongue and the inside of the two lower incisors. A small space is left between the upper and the lower incisors, letting a whistle
الظاء - ظ، الذال - ذ، والثاء- ث
These letters are emitted from the very tip of the tongue and the bottom edges of the two top incisors
الفاء - ف
الفاء is articulated between the inside of the lower lip and the edge of the two top incisors
الواو - و
is articulated by forming a circle by the two lips without
their meeting
الباء - ب
is articulated by closing the two lips together
الميم - م
is articulated by closing the two lips together, accompanied by a nasal sound
characteristics of the letters
are what differentiate letters from others that share the same articulation point.
The application of the characteristics of the letters is what differentiates a good reciter from an average one.
Characteristics of letters categories
- Characteristics that have opposites
- Characteristics without opposites