Letters with their articulations points and characteristics Flashcards
ء الهمزة
The deepest part of the throat: vocal cords area
Appearance الجهر
Strength الشدة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
It is articulated by closing the two lips together.
Appearance الجهر Strength الشدة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Qalqalah قلقل
The top part of the tip of the tongue with the gum line of the two top incisors.
Whisper الهمس
Strength الشدة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
The very tip of the tongue with the bottom edges of the two top incisors
Whisper الهمس
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتا
The middle of the tongue with the middle of the hard palate.
Appearance الجهر Strength الشدة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Qalqalah قلق
The middle part of the throat.
Whisper الهمس
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتا
Theclosest part of the throat (The root of the tongue) with the soft palate
Whisper الهمس
Softness الرخاوة
Heaviness الاستعلاء
Separation الانفتا
The top part of the tip of the tongue with the gum line of the two top incisors.
Appearance الجهر Strength الشدة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Qalqalah قلقل
The very tip of the tongue with the bottom edges of the two top incisors
Appearance الجهر
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
The tip of the tongue with the gum
Appearance الجهر Moderation البينية Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Deviation الانحراف Repetition التكري
The tip of the tongue with the inside of the two lower incisors. Appearance الجهر Softness الرخاوة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Whistle الصفي
The tip of the tongue with the inside of the two lower incisors.
Whisper الهمس Softness الرخاوة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Whistle الصفي
The middle of the tongue with the middle of the hard palate.
Whisper الهمس Softness الرخاوة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Expansion التفشي
The tip of the tongue with the inside of the two lower incisors.
Whisper الهمس Softness الرخاوة Heaviness الاستعلاء Compression الإطباق Whistle الصفي
One of the sides of the tongue (or both sides) with the upper molars left or right.
Appearance الجهر Softness الرخاوة Heaviness الاستعلاء Compression الإطباق Prolongation الاستطا
The top part of the tip of the tongue with the gum line of the two top incisors.
Appearance الجهر Strength الشدة Heaviness الاستعلاء Compression الإطباق Qalqalah قلقل
The very tip of the tongue with the bottom edges of the two top incisors.
Appearance الجهر
Softness الرخاوة
Heaviness الاستعلاء
Compression الإطبا
The middle part of the throat.
Appearance الجهر
Moderation البينية
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
الغين غ
The closest part of the throat (The root of the tongue) with the soft palate.
Appearance الجهر
Softness الرخاوة
Heaviness الاستعلاء
Separation الانفتاح
Between the inside of the lower lip and the edge of the two top incisors.
Whisper الهمس
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
The deepest part of the tongue with the roof of the mouth (soft palate).
Appearance الجهر Strength الشدة Heaviness الاستعلاء Separation الانفتاح Qalqalah قلقلة
The deepest part of the tongue with the roof of the mouth (hard and soft palate).
Whisper الهمس
Strength الشدة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
The nearest part of the sides of the tongue up to the end of its tip, with the gum.
Appearance الجهر Moderation البينية Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Deviation الانحراف
Itis articulated by closing the two lips together, accompanied by a nasal sound.
Appearance الجهر Moderation البينية Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Al-ghunnah الغنة
The tip of the tongue with the gum, slightly under the articulation point of ل.
ن is accompanied by a nasal sound.
Appearance الجهر Moderation البينية Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Al-ghunnah الغن
The deepest part of the throat: vocal cords area.
Whisper الهمس
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتا
It is articulated by forming a circle by the two lips, without their meeting.
Appearance الجهر Softness الرخاوة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Softness اللين
The empty space in (the mouth +the throat)
Appearance الجهر
Softness الرخاوة
Lightness الاستفال
Separation الانفتاح
The middle of the tongue with the middle of the hard palate.
Appearance الجهر Softness الرخاوة Lightness الاستفال Separation الانفتاح Softness اللين