RS unit 3 definitions Flashcards
no simple meaning:
(1) a being with a conscience (not amoral) and so able to choose between right/good and wrong/bad action
(2) of a decision, a choice between right/good and wrong/bad actions (not a non-moral issue)
(3) of an action or being - one that is good or right in their behaviour
bad or wrong behaviour/action
a being without a conscience i.e. no inner sense of right or wrong e.g. animal, baby
Non-moral decision
a choice which does NOT involve conscience, does NOT involve thoughts about good/right or bad/wrong (BUT these can still be big or tricky decisions e.g. what to study at university and where)
Absolute morality
an action is either ALWAYS right or ALWAYS wrong REGARDLESS of the circumstances or outcome of acting e.g. Ten Commandments - Do not kill, honour parents, etc. or the Buddhist Moral Precepts - Abstain from intoxicants
Relative morality
an action is NOT always right or always wrong; whether an action is right or wrong DEPENDS on the circumstances or outcome i.e. it can be wrong most of the time but right in some rare circumstance
Absolute value of life
Absolutist view - life has a value ALWAYS and REGARDLESS of its conditions BUT NOT BECAUSE it is a gift from Gd - people who believe in the Absolute value of life do NOT believe in a Gd.
Eg Jains who take a biocentric (all living things) approach and consider ALL lives of ALL species to be of value ALWAYS.