International development Flashcards
What is a development indicator?
A piece of data showing how developed a country is
GDP per person
Average wealth per person
All the business activity in a country
Process of change to improve people’s lives
Life expectancy
How many years a new born baby can live for
Under 5 mortality rate
% of babies dying before the age 5
What does LIDC stand for what can you expect to find there?
Low income developing country. On average everyone is fairly poor and there is a lack of services
What does EDC stand for what can you expect to find there?
Emerging developing country. There is a reasonable available level of goods, services and comfort.
What does AC stand for what can you expect to find there?
Advanced country. Has a good range of services, good infrastructure and very little poverty.
Name three ACs.
e.g. Canada, UK, USA
Name three EDCs
e.g. Brazil, Russia, China
Name three LIDCs
e.g. Madagascar, Ethiopia, Somalia
Name some development indicators
- % of children under 5 who are underweight
- Life expectancy
- Adult literacy rate
- Infant mortality rate
- Doctors per 1,000 people
- % of population with access to clean water
What is the development gap?
Difference between development in the richest and poorest countries.
Why are some countries so much more wealthy?
- Location - better soil for agriculture
- Better health and education
- Conflict
What are the aims of Fair Trade?
- To get companies to pay the farmers a fair wage
- Create long-term trade partnerships
- Helps people in LIDCs by ensuring they earn a fair profit
What is the self-help scheme?
- Encourage citizens to volunteer services
- Build better more hygienic houses
What is the aid scheme?
Rich countries provide poorer countries with money and materials to allow them to build more roads and buildings
What are the UNMDGs?
Stands for United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals. The UN have 8 goals which they are trying to achieve by 2030. They have a plan which they give to governments to help them get out of poverty. It includes things like: primary education for everyone, reducing child mortality rates, removing extreme hunger