Rome Flashcards
Wealthy landowners who held most of the power
Remus and Romulus
Mythological Twin sons of ares and a Latin princess’s who were raised by a she wolf and created Rome by the Tibet river
Common farmers and majority of the population
Two officials that serve for 1 year
representatives elected by the plebeians that protected fairness
Roman military units
All powerful ruler when crisis arises
Aristocratic branch of Roman government, in the beginning it’s 300 members were elected from the upper class’s but eventually they let plebeians in
Punic wars
Rome vs Carthage
1st- battle for control of Sicily lasting 23 years and Rome won
2nd- Hannibal, of Carthage, led army and elephants through the alps to the back of Rome and caused a lot of destruction until Scipio, of Rome, planned to attack Carthage and Hannibal had to retreat to protect his city and lost the battle.
3rd- Rome came down & completely destroyed Carthage, started fires and sold the people to slavery
Carthage General in the 2nd Punic war
Roman general in the 2nd Punic war
Area at the top of Africa, was the only people to defy Rome
What Romans called anyone that was not Rome, included the Huns led by Attila
Julius Caesar
Was a triumvirate with Pompey, and Crassus, controlled France, marched his armies into Rome, Pompey fled, beat Pompey’s army and was named dictator for life. He was nice and got really popular so the senate was worried so Marcus Brus and Gaius Cassius killed him. First dictator, death ends the roman republic.
Death? Markus Brutus, Crassius stab in Senate
Last words? Et tu brute “you too Brutus?”
Betrayed? Brutus
1st triumvirate
Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
2nd triumvirate
Lepidus, Mark Anthony and Octavian
Octavian forced Lepidus to retire, then Mark Anthony fell in love with cleopatra and they combined armies, Octavian said Mark Antony was going to rule from Egypt and civil war broke out but Octavian won and after was called Augustus meaning “the exalted one”
Fell in love with Mark Anthony, Mark Anthony went to Egypt, they gathered their armies together and lost to Octavian
Pax Romana
“Roman Peace” started when Octavian ruled and ended when Marcus Aurelius died
Professional fighters who fought to the death in public
The colosseum
From “ colossus” means gigantic, where the gladiators fought, sports stadiums today are modeled after colosseums
Started when Christ died, monotheistic
Traveled from Rome to Jerusalem and became the first bishop there, also first pope. “The rock on which the Christian church is built on”
Non Jew
Born in Bethlehem, teached public ministry, was followed by 12 disciples who later became apostles, he became a threat to Roman leaders and was crucified
Jew who was an enemy of Jesus, on the way to Damascus he had a vision of Christianity and spent the rest of his days preaching it becoming an enormous influence on Christianity’s spread
Fighting a battle and prayed for Jesus’ help, saw a cross, put a cross on his soldiers shields and won the battle, end of Christian persecution, next emperor, Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome
Emperor after Pax Romana, kept Rome together under an iron fist, split Rome into eastern-Greek speaking and western- Latin speaking part and took over eastern Rome and western Rome had a co-ruler
Dispersal of the Jews after the Jewish rebellion
Reasons for Rome’s decline
1: war destroyed farmland which created a farmland and the population declined
2: lack of loyalty in the army, loyal to personal general, or army is made of foreigners (mercenaries) and doesn’t care about Rome
3: inflation: selling gold to china, so have lack of gold, so they made the coin out of half copper and half gold which is worth less
4: bad leader
5: invasion from barbarians
6: Rome’s empire is too big so they have a bad protection problem
7: stop expanding: no new land and money
8: Rome citizens don’t care about government
(Need to know 5)
Capital of Byzantine empire, moved by Constantine
Capital of eastern part of empire, changed name to Constantinople
Attila the Hun
Leader of the barbarians and Huns, led attacks on Rome but lost
Place where mount Vesuvius erupted and killed everyone not to get mixed up with Pompey, from the first triumvirate
Silk Road
Trade routes from Rome to China
Made by Roman engineers to bring water into cities and towns
Greco-roman culture
Collective Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman culture combined when time took over
Rome’s impact in today’s world
-- aqueducts= architecture Colosseum= sports stadium Virgil(storyteller)= hero based stories Jesus= Christianity Representative government=republic (More on pg 374)
Locations that you need to know
Carthage, Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Italy, Greece, Med sea and Black Sea.
Indirect democracy
Who was Rome ruled by before Rome took over?
Rome was ruled by Etruscans in the north as a monarchy
Wo were two tribunes assassinated?
Tiberius and Gaius
Wo were two tribunes assassinated?
Tiberius and Gaius
Made Christianity nation religion of Rome
Julius Caesar death
End of roman republic/democracy
In the beginning Rome was controlled by
Etruscans in the north, that were good engineers, controlled Italy by monarchy until Romans (Latin) took over
During this period: Romans were in the middle, Etruscans in the north and Greeks in the south/the boot
Was a large land owned by the rich, and generals. These generals hired all the unemployed as an army and they were loyal to Latifundia owner, this has increased the gp between the rich and the poor
There is going to be a picture two men that were tribunes and brothers who are they ?
Tiberius & Gaius gracchus
There is going to be a pic of a she wolf. Who is she?
She is the wolf that raised Remus and Romulus who created Rome
Above Jesus on the cross there are words? What do they mean?
INRI- “king of the Jews”
Why was Jesus killed ?
He threatened the Roman Empire
Denarius means
Eight judges chosen for one year by Centuriate Assembly (the people) they oversee courts and govern provinces
Santas reindeer
Dasher Dancer Prancer Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen Rudolf
Who is Santas 9th reindeer?
What is the responsibility of the Senate?
It was the aristocratic branch of Rome’s government
Form of Rome’s currency?
Who created Rome?
Remus and Romulus