Renaissance Flashcards
Machiavelli -
- wrote The Prince
The prince
Writer: Niccoló Machiavelli
About the imperfect conduct of humans, and believed political figures could go to any expense to effectively rule and keep their rule
Humanism -
An art style that is based of classic Roman and Greek ideas, which focuses on human potential, achievements and the concept that God made us to do wonderful things
Gutenberg press -
Johann Gutenberg recreated a Chinese block printing device but it was too slow and made it movable, along with pressing all the blocks altogether simultaneously on one page.
First book printed: Bible
Importance: spreading and questioning ideas
Indulgences -
One of the main problems with the church in the renaissance where you pay money for the church to pardon your sins and believe you’ll get into heaven
Martin Luther -
Friar who starts Reformation by writing the 95 theses, posting them on the church, being copied and everyone following his ideas.
Taught: salvation through faith (no $)
Teaching needs to be based on the Bible
All people are equal (don’t need priests)
Eventually the Pope Leo 5 threatens to excommunicate him, he does nothing and get excommunicated.
Accidentally created Lutherans.
Edict of worms -
When the Catholics meet and decided to outlaw Luther and declare him a heretic which led him to being shelter by Prince Fredrick
95 theses -
Formal statements telling the church what it’s doing wrong, stapled to church door & Gutenberg press copied it, spreading ideas.
Excommunication -
Banishment from the church which denies salvation
John Calvin -
Wrote: institutes of the Christian religion
Created Calvinism: that is based on the ideas that: -only the “elect” go to heaven
-predestination: God already knows what your gonna do, it’s fated, and it’s already determined if your going or not going to heaven
-theocracy: government control by religious leader
-very strict morals
-started in Switzerland
English Henry VIII (8) -
Needs an heir, marries Catherine (bares a girl) so he wants divorce but the church (asks pope but he says no because he doesn’t wanna anger Catherine’s nephew, Charles V) won’t condone it so he creates the Anglican Church then marries Anne Boylen (bares Elizabeth) then beheads her, and continues to have 6 wives and one son, Edward: who rules at age 9 for 6 years and then Elizabeth takes over
Catherine of Aragon
Henry 8th first wife, aunt of Charles V (German king)
Daughter: Mary
Anne Boylen
Henry 8th second wife who bares Elizabeth & gets beheaded based on a claim of adultery
Set aside marriage by proving it’s not legal ex: Vegas wedding
Anglican Church (church of England) -
English Church instigated when Henry VIII had a temper tantrum because he couldnt marry Anne Boylen, then created by Elizabeth. Contains a mix of Christian & Presbyterian views like:
Christian: robes, crucifixes
Pres: English services, clergy can marry
Queen Elizabeth 1 -
Anne Boylen’s daughter, who takes over England after Edward and Mary. She brings it back to Presbyterian views & creates the “Elizabethan Era”.
Problems: $ income $ (so she goes to America to get money)
Jesuits -
Society of Jesus
Ignatius of Loyala
Starts Jesuits to get people to stay Catholic & to create schools to stop the Protestant & Lutheran reformation
French Calvinists
Renaissance -
“Rebirth” 1350-1650
Art and literature based on reality
Horizon line
Where land meets sky in a painting or work of art, farthest place in painting (most depth), also called Vanishing point
Way you create art, ideas that influence your painting
Vitruvian man
Author: Leonardo da Vinci
- shows perfect human body
- shows that we are made by God (with our hands and legs put we can create a perfect circle)
School of Athens
Author: Raphael
- is a balance of chaos & harmony
- contains all of the great Greek philosophers
- Sculpture
Creator: Michelangelo - depicts perfect human body and David from David & Goliath
Sistine Chapel
Painter: Michelangelo
- in Rome
- has a couple jokes in it when he got mad at Pope Julius 2 for not paying him
Neo-Platonism -
Man is a reflection of divine power (better body, more perfect, more Godly)
The last supper
Painter: Leonardo da Vinci
Protestant Reformation -
“Protesting Princes” Created when German princes withdraw from Charles V rule (Germany)
Who made the printing press?
Johann Gutenberg
Act of Supremacy
Henry the 8th breaking away from the church & saying he is the absolute ruler
Leonardo da Vinci -
Studied and dissected to understand nature
Created: Mona Lisa, last supper, vitruvian man
Raphael -
Painter who wanted to show a world of harmony, order and balance
Created: school of Athens
Michelangelo -
Painter, sculpture and architect
Used Neo- Platonism
Created: David, Sistine Chapel
Patron -
People who financially supported the arts, usually popes
(Family) that acted like the Florence government was a democracy but actually controlled It by wealth & influenced people by loans because they owned many banks
Council of Trent
Collect all Catholics religious officials:
- going to make churches beautiful (have Michelangelo paint)
- faith & good works to go to heaven
- church’s interpretation of the Bible is final
Reasons the renaissance begins ?
- cities (bigger population = education = new ideas)
- wealth & ability to buy unnecessary items
- professional artists (can make a living)
- no more bubonic plague & worrying about food
- Greek & roman heritage
I would go over the slideshows he posted on schoology once
Hernán Cortéz -
Spanish explorer who took over the Aztecs because they all thought he was a god & by the time they figured out he wasn’t he had killed them all
Montazuma -
Aztec leader that is overthrown by Cortéz
“Feathered serpent” Aztec god, the god they think Cortez is when he comes.
city state that was the capital of the Aztec empire
People who came to America when there was a lang bridge in the ice age and were left there when it melted. They had a writing system, cared about the stars, created calendar and were scientifically and mathematically ahead of their time. Lives in South America and eventually went through a period of war and left into the jungle.
Blood letting
Mayans believed that the soul is in the blood, so royal blood is the most powerful substance on earth, so the rulers would go onto temple & bleed themselves especially in tongue and genitals, supposedly would help it rain and keep the Gods happy
Mayan ball game
Game where two teams played in a small hallway and tried to use all parts of their body but legs to get the ball in the hoop, the winning team was sacrificed
“No place”
Common language, not Latin
Intellectual movement studying Greek & roman
What does Machiavellian mean (like Niccoló Machiavelli) ?
Harsh, unethical
Another world for secular
Ironic about Henry 8 story?
The girl he didn’t want (Elizabeth) rules outstandingly as a woman & Edward only ruled for 6 years
Notable things Elizabeth 1 does ?
English navy defeated Spanish Armada which made her able to explore America & have power on the water (power shift),
Group that believed that only the baptism of an adult is valid?
Where does The renaissance begin?
{Northern Italy} because they had patrons (Medici) & big populations
Know pic of David, Mona Lisa, & school of Athens
Know that David is based upon Neo-Platonism & know the creators of all these works of art
Ninja turtles & their weapons
Leonardo da Vinci: sword- best
Raphael: little swords
Michelangelo: nun- chunks
Donatello: big stick
Spanish that conquer western (USA)
English reformation
A change in the church when Henry the 8th wanted to divorce Catherine & marry Anne, but couldn’t get annulment (divorce) so starts Anglican Church & Elizabeth technically solidifies it.