Chapter 12 Flashcards
Byzantine Empire -
An empire, second Rome, blend of Greek, Roman and Egyptian culture.
Justinian -
Greatest emperor of the Byzantine empire
Justinian’s wife, told him not to flee after hypo dome riot
Kublia klan
Grandson of Genghis Khan, stays in one place and tries to take Japan
Japan invasion
Kubiak klan enslaved Koreans, made boats, japan fights off for 53 days and a typhoon comes in and smashed all ships
Name of typhoon that means “Divine wind”
Schism -
Means “split” from Eastern Orthodox and holy Roman Catholic
Slavs & Viking intermingling creates who…
The Rus (Russians)
Vladimir -
Sends out missionaries to find a religion, one stops at Constantinople, sees Hagia Sofia and brings Christianity to the Rus
Hagia Sophia
“Hagia wisdom” in Greek, great church that Justinian made in Constantinople
Ivan 1 -
“Moneybags” Collects money for the Mongols (who control at the time) traitor, tax collector
Ivan 3 -
Withholds tribute, gathers army but both turn around and nobody fights and they break free from the mongols.
Asian Steppes
Where the mongols came from, dry grassland
Marco Polo -
Went to China for 17 years, went back to Venice, got imprisoned, told his stories (nobody believed him) but somebody wrote them down and eventually it sparked curiosity in Christopher Columbus
Roman Catholic thought icons were idol worship but Eastern Orthodox liked them which help create the schism
Turkish slaves that were controlled by the Abbasid empire until they broke free and took over becoming Seljuk Turks, were Muslim
When you are banned from the church, can’t celebrate the sacraments which is like condeming you to hell
Russian word for Caesar that Ivan 3 took when he split Russia from Mongol rule
Area where people watched horse races & performance acts. People also started rebellion here (one called the Nika Rebellion which was because they thought the government was bad & they were mad cuz the government really harshly punished a previous rebellion (Nika means victory) during the Nika rebellion, Justinian wanted to flee but his wife Theodora told him to stay
Holy Roman Catholic vs Eastern Orthodox catholic -
Roman (west) services conducted in Latin, pope has authority over bishops, pope has authority over kings and empowers, priests can’t marry, no divorce
Eastern (east;) service in Greek / local languages, patriarch and bishops head church as a group, emperor claims power over patriarch & bishops, priests can marry, yes divorce
Mongols -
Fierce warrior nomadic people from Mongolia that take over under the rule of Genghis Khan and create the Pax Mongolia
Name the four khanates:
Khanate... of the Great Khan, of Chagatai the Ilkhanate Of the Golden Horde
Genghis Khan -
Most famous Mongol leader that took over from China to Russia to Africa to Spain, who was first named temujin but accepted the name of Genghis Khan which means “universal ruler”
- brilliant organizer
- gifted strategist
- used cruelty as a weapon
Nomadic people that herded animals and returned to places seasonally every year
Pax Mongolica
“Mongol peace” From the mid 1200s to 1300s across most of Eurasia, guaranteed save travel which created cultural diffusion
Kiev -
Noblemen named Oleg from Novgorod moved to Kiev on the dnieper river, where Vikings could travel to Constantinople and trade goods. Because of this, Kiev because a small state ruled by a prince. Kiev was inhabited by Slavs but Vikings came and intermarried until no one could tell the difference. Was also the home to Princess Olga and her grandson Vladimir
Vikings that cam down and intermarried with Slavs, word that Russia came from
Alexis Comnenus ( & ; Pope Urban 2) -
Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, leader of Constantinople, was fighting the Turks, asks Pope urban 2 from Holy Roman Church to help and all Christians come together to fight the Crusades
Crusades -
A holy war Muslims vs Christians for The holy city of Jerusalem
1st crusade: Christians win
2nd: Muslims win
3rd: tie = no win, lot of bloodshed, no land won
Seljuk Turks -
People that were were slaved by the Abbasid Muslims but took them over and fought the Byzantine empire and created a little empire over by turkey where they still live know
Kubali Khan
Grandson of Ghengis Khan
Was the first Mongol who wavered from nomadic life
Moved Mongol capital to China
Started Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Dynasty
Only lasts for 300 years
- Opened trade routes through Mongol territory
- Keeps the government intact.
Invasion of Japan
Kubali Khan attempts to seize control over Japan he makes thousands of boats in Korea (this much usage of resources almost destroyed Korean economy)
- first attempt Mongols fail
- launches largest armada until WWII for second attempt
- second attempt battle for 53 days until a typhoon destroys Mongol ships, the Japanese call the wind Kamakazie also used in WWII
Wind of typhoon that saves Japan also the name of the suicide bombers in WWII
Marco Polo
A trader who went to China and became friends with the Khan and stays there for 16 years working high end for the Khan, when he goes back to Venice he is imprisioned and while he is there, he tells of his stories and spreads the idea of coal, along with launching the idea of exploration.