Ch 1 & 2 {first empires/civilizations} Flashcards
Highly mobile people who moved from place to place foraging for new sources of food
5 things needed for civilization:
- Advanced cities 2. Specialized workers 3. Complex institutions 4. Record keeping 5. Advanced technology
Slash and burn
Cut trees/ grasses and burn them to clear a field, the ashes would fertilize they would use, leave, come back and the grasses would be grown and it would start all over
Taming animals
Pyramid shaped monument to worship looming gods, means “mountain of god”
Reached Babylonian empire peak, made code of Hammurabi
in Greek “land between the rivers” one of the first civilizations, inhabited by the sumerians
Fertile Crescent
Curved shaped region in Southeast Asia with rich land
First people to settle in Mesopotamia
Sargon of Akkad
Defeated city states of Sumer and created first empire
Thick bed of mud
Carried river water to fields and allowed more crops
Series of rules of a single family
Epic of Gilgamesh
Some of the richest accounts of Mesopotamian myths and legends, 1st written records, look for the fountain of youth, never found but realize humans are meant to die,
City and surrounding land it controlled (most like a country)
Belief in many gods
Brings together several peoples, independent states,or nations under one rule
4,100 mile (longest in world) river flowing through Egypt
100 mi before end or Nile, lower Egypt, broad marshy, triangular area of land formed by deposits of silt at mouth of river
King menes & his crown
(Narmer) united upper and lower Egypt and wore a white and red crown
Type of government in which ruler is based on religious authority
Preserved in death
A picture is an idea for Egyptians “sacred carvings”
Reeds, crosswise, dampened, pressed in a paper like sheet
Neolithic revolution
Agriculture revolution
Sumerian “Wedge shaped” symbols
Egyptian god-kings
Tombs for royalty and pharaohs
Old kingdom
Early pharaohs 2180 BC.
Middle Kingdom
1040-1680 BC pharaohs restored law and order and improved technology
New kingdom
A group from Israel came called Hysksos which means “rulers of foreign lands” and took over 1630-1523 BC
Belief in one God
A large landmass that forms a distinct part of a continent (ex: Indian subcontinent: India, Pakistan. Bangladesh)
Harrapan civilizations
Named for Indus Valley because of archaeological discoveries at site and city planning, first Egyptian society, plumping: complex institutions
Indus Valley had sophisticated plumbing system and drainage
Rivers in Indus Valley
Ganges and Indus
Two rivers flow from mountainous west to Pacific Ocean in china
Yangtze (Chang Jiang) Yellow river (huang he)
Fertile soil, looks like yellow silt from haung he
First Chinese dynasty
Took of over xia, second dynasty, first written records 1000 - 1027 BC
Zhou dynasty
(Joh) overthrew Shang 1027 BC used mandate of heaven
Mandate of heaven
Claim divine approval
Dynastic cycle
Pattern of rise, decline and replacement of dynasties
Political system in which lords are granted the use of land legally owned by the king
Oracle bones
Animal bones and tortoise shells that Chinese priests had scratched questions for the gods
Upper and lower Egypt
Remember there opposite the beginning leading into the med sea is lower and the lower is upper Egypt
Hammurabi’s way to deal with committing a crime: restitution vs reconciliation:
Restitution: act of restoring to an original condition by giving an equivalent ex: eye for an eye
Reconciliation: restore to harmony & friendship, fix, forgive
A wind that shifts in direction at certain times each year, dominated India’s climate, Included seasonal rains
Early Indus River civilization( also called Harrapan civilizations) that had innovative plumbing system close to the one created in the 1900s
Cast iron
During the Zhou dynasty, one of their innovations was blast furnaces that produced cast iron to create weapons & farm tools
Place that has indoor plumping?
Mahejo daro. It’s a building (Spelling is incorrect)