Industrial Revolution Flashcards
Assembly line -
Process of work where each person does one simple thing and altogether each steps creates and item
Note: workers don’t have to have a specialized skill
Flying shuttle -
Factors of production -
Child labor
In the 1700s to 1938, children went to work extremely little under terrible conditions
Positives of industrialization -
- cities grow
- cheaper clothes
- better food/diet
- better standard of living
- creates middle class
Negative of industrialization -
- crowded
- working conditions
- environment
- used a lot of natural resources
- disease/ illness
Unions -
Voluntary Organization of workers
Strike -
When employees refuse to work
Collective bargaining
Negotiation between employers and employees. When, if the workers refuse claims, can lead to strike
Factory life -
Were long days under bad conditions
Karl Marx -
Writer, created of Marxism and “The Communist Manifesto” which created Communism
Communist Manifesto
Work of writing by Karl Marx, proposing communism, an economic system where the Bourgeoisie (wealthy) & proletariat (workers) are equal.
Utilitarianism -
Greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Communism -
Complete socialism on which the means of production is owned by the people and everyone has equal rights
Socialism -
A economic system where the government controls the trade, ect.
Laissez Faire -
“Let do” in French, Economic policy of letting owners of industry and business set working conditions with out interference
Capitalism -
System in which money is invested in business ventures with the goal of profit
Adam smith
Man who laid foundations for free trade/market (capitalism) & wrote the book: “ Wealth of Nation”