Robbins Ch 22 - Lecture 4 Flashcards
Use of IDU is ass’d with
2 fold inc of ectopic pregnancy
MCC of hemtosalpinx
Tubal pregnancy
Severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleering 6-8 weeks after LMP
Rupture of tubal preganacy
Monochorionic placentas imply
Monozygotic twins
Arteriovenous shunt directs blood flow to one twin at the expense of the other
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Placents implants in the lower uterine segement or cervix, can lead to serious 3rd trimester bleeding
Placenta previa
Predisposing factors to placenta accreta
Placent previa and previous c-section
Partial or complete absence of the decidua, villous tissues adhere directly to the myometrium, failure of placental separation at birth, can cause life threatening postpartum bleeding
Placenta accretia
MC type of ascending placental infection
Cloudy, purulent amniotic fluid with inflitate of neutrophils and edema of placental vessels
Placental infection - ML bacterial
MCC of ascending placental infections
TORCH group
Widrepread maternal endothelias dysfuction that presents during pregnancy w/ HTN, edema, and proteinuria
pregnant woman, HTN, proteinuria, edema, seizures
HELLP syndrome
Hemolytic anemia, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets in the setting of severe preeclampsia
Preeclampsia s/s disappear following
Delivery of the placenta
2 placenta derives antiangiogenic factors that may be present/contribute to preeclampsia
SFtlt, endoglin
Larger and more numerous placental infarcts, exaggerated ischemic changes in the choionic villi, increased syncytial knots, retroplacental hematomoas, abnormal decidual vessels
Preeclampsia findings in the placenta
MC sites of thrombi in preeclampsia pts
Liver, kidneys, brain, (ant) pituitary
Fertilized egg has lost F ch and genetic material is completely paternal
Complete mole
Fertillization of an egg with 2 sperm
Partial mole
Complete mole karyotype
46, XX or 46, XY
Partial mole karyotypes
69 XXX, 69 XXY, 69 XYY (rare), can also be tetraploid - 92XXXY
Delicate, fiable mass of think-walled, translucent, grapelike, cystic structures and edematous villi
Hydatidiform mole
HCG levels are far elevation past normal for a pregnancy
Complete mole
Complete moles can rarely give rise to
Gestational chiocarcinoma
A mole that penetrate of perforated the uterine wall
Invasive mole
Persistently elevated HCG, vaginal bleeding, irregular uterine enlargemnt
Invasive mole
Malignant neoplasm of trophoblastic cells
MC condition giving rise to choriocarcinomas
Complete hydatiform moles
Soft, fleshy mass that is void of chorionic villi, and consists entirely of proliferating syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts
MC sites of choriocarcinoma mets
Lungs > vagina > brain > liver > bone > kidney
Tx of choriocarcinoma
Chemo - good outcome!
Neoplastic proliferations of extravilous trophoblasts
Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor
Polygonal monoculcear cells with abundant cytoplasm - produces human lactogen
Most impt predisposing condition to ectopic pregnancy
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Spontaneous abortion is a pregnancy that is lost
Before 20 wk gestation