Robbins Ch 22 - Lecture 1 Flashcards
Active HSV infection in mother during delivery usually warrants a
Cesarean section
HSV2 infection enhances aquisition and transmission of t
Time period that HSV can be detected and serotyped
48-72 hrs post infection
MC sexually transmitted strain of molluscum contagiosum
MC strain of molluscum contagiosum
Incubation period of molluscum contagiosum
6 wks
Pearly, dome shared papules with dimpled center
Molluscum contagiosum
Vulvovaginal puritis, erythema, swelling, curd like vaginal discharge
Yeast infection
Pseudospores or filament oust fungal hyphae in wet KOH mount or on Pap smear
Yeast infection
Flange, flagellated ovoid protazoan
Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas vaginalis infection develops within
4d to 4w
Yellow, frothy, vaginal discharge
Trichomoas vaginalis
Fiery-red, “strawberry cervix”
Tri homonyms vaginalis
Gerdnerella vaginalis morphology
Gram-negative bacillus
Thin, green gray malodorous discharge
Gardenerlla vaginalis
Superficial and intermediate squamous cells covered with a shaggy coating coccobacillus
Gardenerla vaginalis
Main cause of bacterial vaginosis
Gardeneralla vaginalis
G. Vaginalis in pregnancy can induce
Premature labor
Implicated in choroamnionitis and premature delivery in pregnancy pts
Ureaplasma urealyticum, mycoplasma hominis
Infections mainly take form of cervicits but may ascend to result in endometritis and salpingitis
Chalmydia trachomatis
Most serious complication of gohorrhea in woman
Infection that begins in the vulva or vagina and spreads upward to involve most structures in the female genial system
Pelvic pain, adnexal tenderness, fever, vaginal discharge
PID with less involvement of the mucosa and tube lumen and more inflammation within the deeper tissue layers is cause by
Staph, streptococci, coliforms and cholstridium prefringens (non-gonococcal)
Multinucleacted cells, intranuclear viral inclusions, “ground-glass” appearance
HSV infection
Smooth white plaques or macules that may coalesce that can cause atrophy or agglutination of the vulva and may cause vaginal orifice constriction
Lichen sclerosus
Marked thinning of vulva epidermis, degeneration of basal cells, hyperkeratosis, sclerotic changes of dermis, bandlike lymphocytic infiltrate underlying the dermis
Lichen sclerosis
Lichen sclerosis sligtly increasea risk of developing
Sq cell carcinoma of the vulva
Result of rubbing or scratching vulva skin w/ leukoplakia, acanthosis, and hyperkeratosis
Sq cell hyperplasia
Benign genital warts cause by low oncogenic risk HPVs
Condylomata acuminatum
MC HPV strains that cause Condylomata acuminatum
6 and 11
Papillary, exophytic treelike cores of stroma covered by thickened squamous epi. ith koilocytic atypia seen on surface epi
Condylomata acuminatum
Nuclear enlargement, hyperchomasia, cytoplasmic perinuclear halo
Koilocytic atypia, characteristic of Condylomata acuminatum
MC histologic type of vulvar cancer
Squamous cell
Vulvular carinoma MCly seen in younger women d/t HPV-16
Basaloid and warty carcinomas
MC vulvar carinoma seen in older women - 70% ass’d with HPV inf
Keratinizing sq cell carcinoma
Classic vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
Basaloid and warty carcinomas
Peak age for basaloid or warty vulvar cancer
6th decade
Ass’d with long standing lichen slerosis or sq cell hyperplasia - not related to HPV
Keratinizing sq cell carcinoma of vulva
Peak age of keratinizing sq cell carcinoma of vulva
8th decade
VIN simplex or differentiated VIN
Keritinizing sq cell carcinoma
scarring and fusion of plicae
chronic salpingitis
acute complications of PID
peritonitis and bacteremia
chronic complications of PID
infertility and tubal obstruction
Nests and cords or small, tightly paked cells that lack matuation and resemble the basal layer of normal epi
Basaloid carcinoma
Exophytic papillary architecture and prominent kiolcytic atypia
Warty carcinoma
Sharply circumscribed nodule, MCly on the labia majora or interlabial folds
Papillary hidradenoma
Papillary projections w/ 2 layers: upper layer of columnar secretory cells, deeper layer of flattened myoepithelial cells
Papillary hidradenoma
Puritic, red, crusted, maplike area, usually on the labia majora
Extramammary paget disease
Immunostain for cytokeratin 7
Paget cells
Failure of mullerian duct fusion leads to
Double vagina and double uterus
Red, granular areas made of up columnar, mucinous epi found in the vagina
Vaginal adenosis
Fluid-filled cysts found on the lateral walls of the vagina that are derived from woffian duct rests
Gartner duct cysts
Virtually all primary carcinomas of the vagina are
Sq cell carcinomas, ass’d with high risk HPV
Greatest risk factor for developing sq cell carcinoma of the vagina
Previous carcinoma of the cervix or vulva
Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
Premalignant lesion to sq cell ca of the vagina
Age group of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma pts
Infants and childre
Grape-like, polypoid mass protruding from the vagina
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Oval nuclei with small protrusions of cytoplasm, look like tennis rackets
embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Loose fibromyxomatous stroma covered by mucus-secreting endo cervical glands, often accompanied by inflammation
Endocervical polyps
In the cervix, HPV infects
- immature basal cells of the sq epi in areas of epi breaks
- metaplastic sq cells at the squamocolumnar junction
Viral proteins of HPV responsible for carcinogenic capabilities
E6 and E7
Binds hypophosphorlyated form of RB and promotes its degresdation , and inhibits p21 and p27
Viral protein E7
Binds p53 and promotes it’s degradation, upregulates telomerase
Viral protein E6
High level of viral replication, mild alterations in the growth of host cells, most cases regress spontaneously
Progressive dysregulation of the cell cycle, increased cellular proliferation, decreased/arrested epi maturation, lower rate of viral replication, high risk of progression to carcinoma
Nuclear enlargement, hyperchromasia, coarse chromatin granules, variation in nuclear size and shape
Ki-67 and p16 staining
areas of high mitotic activity
Nests and tongues of malignant sq epi breaking though the basement membane and invading the underlying cervical stroma
Sq cell carcinoma of the cervix
Proliferation of glandular epi composed of malignant endocervical cells with large, hyperchromatic nuclei with mucin-depleted cytoplasm
Adenocarcinoma of the cervix
Woman >30 yo w/out HPV and normal cytology should be screened
Every 5 yr
Women with normal cytology but are positive for high-risk HPV should have cervical cytology every
6-12 mo
low risk (oncogenic) HPV types
6 and 11
DES exposure
adenosis of the vagina
lymph from vulva and distal 1/3 vagina drains to
inguinal nodes
lymph from proximal 2/3 vagina and uterus drains to
iliac (internal) nodes