Robbins Ch 22 - Lecture 3 Flashcards
Large translucent cysts found near the end of the falopian tubes or in the broad ligament
Hydatids of Morgagni
Hyperandrogenism, mensutral abnormalities, polycystic ovaries, chonic anovulation, decreased fertility
Polycytic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Women with PCOS are at a higher risk of endometrial carcinoma d/t increased
Estrone levels
Uniform enlargement of the ovary (usually b/l), hypercellular stroma w/ lutinization that appear as discrete nests of cells with vacuolated cytoplasm; MC in postmenopausal F
Stromal hyperthecosis
Recently pregnant F with concentric, theca-lutein hyperplasia and nodularity of the ovaries
Theca lutein hyperplasia of preganancy
MC malignant ovarian tumors
Serous tumors
BRCA 1 and 2
Increased susceptibility to ovarian cancer
Arise form in situ lesions in the fallopian tube fimbriae or from serous inclusions cysts within ovaries
High-grade serous carcinomas
KRAS, BRAF, ERBB2 mutations are ass’d with
Low-grade serous ovarian tumors
In comparison to low-grade serous carciomas, high-grade have
More complex growth patterns and widespread infiltration of effacement of underlying stroma
nonspecific histologic character of serous tumors
Psammoma bodies
MC infections leading to supperative salpingitis
Gonococcus and chlamydiae
Mutation of what gene is a consistent alteration in mucinous tumors?
Tall columnar epi lining with apical mucin that lacks cilia, can see gastric or intestinal type differentiation
Mucinous tumor
Mucinous carcinomas characteristically demonstrate
Confluent glandular growth
Extensive mucinous ascites, cystic epithelial impants on the peritoneal surface, adhesions, frequent involvement of the ovaries
Pseudomyxoma peritonei
PI3K/AKT increased signaling, mutations in CTNNB1 and mismatch DNA repair genes are found in what type of ovarian cancer?
Endometrioid ovarian cancer
Clear cells arranged in sheets or tubules
Solid clear cell neoplasm
Clear cells lining cystic spaces
Cystic clear cell carcinoma
Small, multiloculated mass in the ovary with pronounced proliferation of fibrous stroma underlying columnar epi with simple papillary architecture
Tumor of the ovary with cells that resemble urothelium
Transitional cell tumor
Another name for transitional cell tumors
Brenner tumor
Transitional cell carcinomas of the ovary consist of
> 50% malignant transitional type epi
Used to monitor disease recurrence and progression in ovarian epithelial tumors
Unilocular cyst containing hair, sebaceous material, tooth structures, bone, cartialge, thyroid, and areas of calcification
Benign (mature) teratomas
Mature teratomas rarely transform into
Sq cell ca
Karyotype of almost all benign teratomas
46 XX
Teratoma composed of mature thyroid tissue that can cause hyperthyroidism
Struma ovarii
Teratoma that can produce 5-hydroxytryptamine
Ovarian carcinoid
Bulky smooth tumor externally with hair, sebaceous material, bone, calcifications, and immature neuropeithelium with necrosis and hemorrhage on sectioning
Immature malignant teratomas
OCT-3, OCT4, NANOG, KIT mutations
Ovarian dysgerminoma
Yello-white to gray-pink appearance on cut surface, large vesicular cells with clear cytoplasm, well-defined cell boundaries, and centrally placed regular nuclei
Elaboration of alpha-fetoprotein
Yolk sac tumor
Shiller-duval body
Yolk sac tumor
Glomerulus like structure with central blood vesssels envelped by turmor cells within a space that is also lined by tumor cells
Shiller-duval body
Elaborates high levels of chorionic gonadotropin
Small, distinctive, gland-like structures filled with acidophilic material
Call-exner bodies, granulosa cell tumors
Granulosa cell tumors may elaborate ____________ and may behave like ___________________.
Estrogen, low-grade malignancies
Granulosa cell tumors with yellow coloration is ML
Hormonally acive
Elevates tissue and serum levels of inhibin are ass’d with
Granulosa cell tumors
Adult granulosa cell tumors
Tumor with mix of fibroblasts and spindle cells with liquid droplets
White-gray firm mass covered by ovaraian serosa and is composed of well-differentiated fibroblasts and scant stroma on histo
Ovarian tumor, hydrothorax, ascites
Meigs syndrome
Tumors that can cause masculinization or defeminization
Sertoli-leydig tumors
DICER1 mutations
Sertoli-leydig cell tumors
Clusters of polygonal cells arranged around hilar vessels; masulinization of F
Hilus cell tumor (pure leydig)
Tumor that resembles the corporus luemu of pregnancy
Pregnancy luteoma
MC sex cord-stromal tumor
Granulosa cell tumor
MC neoplasms that met to the ovary
Breast and GI - colon, stomach, biliary, pancreas
GI metastatic carcinoma that is composed of mucin-producing, signet-ring cell cancers that mets to the ovary
Krukenberg tumor