Road Opening And Convoy Protection Flashcards
What are the classification of suspicious roads?
a. Suspicious Road
b. More Suspicious Road
c. Most Suspicious Road
What are the pts to be considered while carrying out patrolling for suspicious rd?
- Avoid the rountine patrolling.
- Conduct foot and veh ptling as per the reqmt.
- Send LRP on time to time.
- Spl cautious while sending veh ptl.
- Conduct ptling also outside the AOR as per the sit.
- Send ptl esp prior to the incoming and outgoing timings of convoy.
What can be the classification of terrain as per the reqmt of picketing to deploy?
- Suspicious places on both sides of rd.
- Dominating ground on both sides of road.
- Dominating grnd on one side of the rd.
- River near the road.
What are the pts to be considered while deploying picketing?
- Clear the area before occupying the picketing.
- Deploy picketing before the mvmt of convoy.
- Allocate troops and resources according to threat level.
- Deploy pickets at the selected locations to overcome the lack of strength.
- The strength of pickets should be enough to defend themselves.
- The picketing position should be defendable.
- Provide radio set for all pickets.
- Picketing should be deployed in mut sp distance.
- Picketing should stay in their location for some time after passing the convoy.
How the conduct of road opening/ clearing is carried out for most suspicious road?
- Planning and preparation
- Move from base to FRV.
- Road opening/ clearing
- Movement of convoy
- Return to base
Explain the organization of road opening! Clearing party.
- Picketing/ Search Team(both sides)
- Command Wire Detector Team
- Sniffer Dog Team
- Engr/IED Team
- HQ Team
What are the points to be included in briefing?
- Cdr, grouping and their tasks
- Wpn, ammn and dress
- Start pt and start time
- Loc of FRV and other RV( if any)
- Dist from SP to FRV
- Going route/ alternative route
- Formation, speed, gap and navigator
- Signal/ action on halts, signal for move
- Loc and str of picketing
What will be the road opening drill of a platoon?
Road opening drill of a platoon will be as follows;-
(a) Picketing/Search Team. Functions of this team are as follows:-
(i) Search the suspicious places on both side beyond road
(ii) Find the hostile who would control the command wire as well as Ambush
(iii) Cover the road by fire and observation
(iv) After completion of search, be ready to deploy as picketing at dominating ground.
(b) Command Wire Detector Team. This team operates about 50-100 meter just behind the picketing/search team on the both sides of the road. It performs following duties using the equipment carried: -
(a) Moves on the both side at 20-30 meter
(b) Search the command wires/trip wire which may be hidden by hostile
(C) Search the signs of IEDs
(c) Sniffer Dog Team. Dog handler team should be kept 20m behind the detector team along the road, if available.
(d) Engr/IED Team. This team moves about 10-15 meters behind the sniffer dog team along the road. Functions of this team are as follows; -
(i) Forward Two Men Team
(aa) Search the IED on road and roadside
(ab) Pay special attention on trees, electric poles, and culvert and re-entrants (Both side)
(ac) Look for probable signs of IED
(ad) Naturalize the discovered IED
(ii) Detector Man
(aa) Act as IED team commander.
(ab) Search for the IED by using mine detector which is not discovered by command wire detector team.
(ac) Search the IED and signs of IED before starting road clearing drill or halting at every 50 meters, with the help of binocular.
(iii) HQ Team. It moves 30-50m behind the IED team. The responsibilities of HQ team are follows: -
(aa) Responsible for road opening/clearing
(ab) Planning and execution of picketing, command wire detector and QRT
(ac) Shifting of picketing team as per the tactical situation
(ad) Co-ordination with convoy commander
(ae) Report the progress of road opening to respective HQ
(e) QRT. This group moves behind 50-100 meter the HQ team. The tasks are:-
(i) Act as reserve of Road Opening Party
(ii) Be ready to counter insurgent’s attack, ambush or other offensive action to the road opening party
(ii) Immediate first aid and casualty evocation of ROP
(iii) Pursuit the fleeing hostile
(iv) Be ready to act according to the burning situation
Helicopter is very much effective in difficult terrain to provide aerial cover to the convoy. What are the roles that the helicopter can be used?
(a) For the recce of the suspicious area.
(b) Area domination.
(c) For aerial fire support to convey in sensitive areas.
(d) Pursuit the fleeing hostiles.
(e) Reinforcement and Replenishment.
(f) Casualty evacuation
What are the types of convoy?
a. Normal/Rountine Convoy
b. Special Convoy
What are the duties of convoy cdr?
(a) All vehicles are fit mechanically and that adequate spares parts, fuel, oil and lubricants are being carried.
(b) Vehicle mechanic (From Electrical Mechanical Engineer) and medical team are ready to move.
(c) Lists of all stores being carried should be prepared. Similarly name list of troops who are moving in convoy should be prepared including their weapons.
(d) Vehicle move in the correct order of mach.
(e) No vehicle moves or leaves the convoy without his orders.
(f) In case of expected site of an IED, the convoy commander will task the engineer representative and the Protection Party to clear the site before taking the vehicles to site.
What are the aspects that the cdr should obtain detailed info before moving out?
(a) Condition of road.
(b) Whether the road is secured by Road Opening Parties or not.
(c) Distance and time taken to reach the destination in both dry and monsoon seasons.
(d) Suspected ambush /IED’s site en-route should be marked on sketch/map and briefing to troops about it accordingly.
(e) Security forces posts along the route.
What are the imp pts to be borne in mind for convoy protection?
(a) Adequate protection of vehicles using sandbags, wooden planks and bullet proofing may be done.
(b) Troops must wear fragmentation jackets and hamlets including driver of the vehicle.
(c) Correct and comfortable firing positions must be modified for troops inside a vehicle.
(d) Hoods of all troops carrying vehicles should be rolled up to facilitate all round observation.
(e) If available, one Light Machine Gun each should be mounted on a suitable mount in the front and rear. The Light Machine Gun should be capable of returning fire effectively, form the mount.
(f) Troops should be seated in two rows facing outwards to observe the flanks and rear.
(g) Troops should remain alert.
(h) When fired at, troops should be capable of returning fire immediately while sitting in the vehicle.
(i) Troops should not travel in vehicles carrying stores and ammunition.
(j) Engineer party with its detection device should travel in the leading vehicle where an IED is expected.
What are the methods of escort that can be provided to the convoy?
(a) Front Escort.
(b) Middle Escort.
(c) Rear Escort.
What are the pts that should be borne in mind by the escort party cdr?
(a) Security of the convoy during move and at halts.
(b) Halt the convoy at places fixed prior to marching the convoy and resume
move only when all vehicles have fetched up and joined the main convoy.
(c) Ensure that all suspected ambush sites en-route are known to troops including the escort party and that all concerned are absolutely alert while passing through such areas.
(d) Detailed briefing of the Escort Party before move.
(e) Sites selected for halts in plains should be in an open stretch so that there is less danger of an IED exploding or convoy being ambushed.
What are the points to be borne in mind for action during move?
(a) Each vehicle should be within sight of the vehicle in front and rear should be able to give support in case of encounter with hostiles.
(b) Two vehicles should preferably not be on one loop or bend of the road at the same time.
(c) After a convex turning the front vehicle should slow down to allow the rear vehicles to close up.
(d) In case of plains, the distance between vehicles should be 100 to 200 meters. Density could even be decreased depending upon the threat.
What are the pts that must be observed for action at halts?
(a) Convoys are not halted at likely ambush site.
(b) High ground overlooking the area is not left unoccupied.
(c) Low ground and re-entrants below the road are covered by fire.
(d) Ensure all round defenses.
(e) Attend to defective vehicles, if that be the reason for the halt.
What should be the action in case of an ambush?
(a) When fired at, troops in all vehicles should debus immediately. Fire may be returned from vehicles, smoke grenades/candles can also be used to cover debussing. After debussing, the troops must assault the ambush immediately.
(b) The drivers should maneuver their vehicles to a safe place hugging the hill. If possible, vehicles caught in loop or bend should maneuver out of it.
(c) Fleeing hostiles should be engaged with grenades and mortars, pursuit should be organized from the convoys’ protection.
(d) Maximum and concentrated fire of all weapons should be brought to bear on the hostiles.
(e) Area of ambush should not be abandoned till re-organization is completed.
(f) Arms and ammunition including documents should be recovered from dead, wounded and captured hostiles.
(g) First aid should be given to own as well as hostile casualties and evacuation must be arranged.
(h) Damaged vehicles should be towed to the nearest post and left at that location.
(i) Higher Headquarters, own post and surrounding posts should be informed of the action taken.
(j) In case where IED is suspected or blown up a thorough search up to 400 meters on either side of the road to be carried out to detect any other firing device or IED planted/militants hiding.