Conduct Of CP/Road Block Flashcards
What are the modus operandi of insurgents during CP?
(a) Use of government vehicle or ambulance.
(b) Bypassing the SF check point.
(c) Use of False ID Card.
(d) Use of heavy public vehicle.
(e) Transportation of illegal material (goods)
hiding inside other material (goods).
(f) Move as funeral or marriage procession.
(g) Wearing student’s uniform and other
unsuspected dress while moving.
(h) Crossing the CP when the pressure is high.
(j) Movement at the time of rotation/exchange of duty at CP.
(k) Movement by diverting the attention of SF to some other places.
What are the aims of Check Point?
(a) Show the presence of SF.
(b) Surveillance of movements.
(c) Inspect/control the movement of person’s and vehicle.
(d) To establish Road block when necessary.
(e) Give feeling of security to local population.
(f) Prevent the illegal transportation of weapons, ammunitions and restricted goods.
What are the goods can be carried/passed by the Insurgents through CP?
(a) Weapon and ammunition.
(b) Explosive.
(c) IED and accessories.
(d) Ration.
(e) Poster/Pamphlet and document.
(f) Communication means.
(g) Money and clothing.
(h) Medicine and medical equipment.
(j) Casualties.
What are the points to be considered during Hand Over and Take Over of CP?
(a) Location of check point.
(b) Weapon, equipment and others.
(c) Task of CP.
(d) Location of nearest friendly forces.
(e) SOP of CP.
(f) Communication.
(g) Latest situation and incidents.
(h) Security arrangement of the area.
(i) Number of person/vehicle crossing the CP.
(j) Movement of VVIP and VIP.
(k) Logistics.
(l) If any other.
How CP is conducted?
(a) Stop the vehicle.
(b) One person to search Persons/vehicles.
(c) Another person to provide cover to searching person.
(d) Fire support form OP or covering position.
(e) Keep sentry at each barrier.
(f) Keep one person to stop the vehicle trying to escape forcefully.
What can be the deployment of a platoon for conducting check point?
(a) No. 1 Section.
(i) Two persons at each barrier (In total four)
(ii) Quick search team of 3 persons (Incl sec Cdr).
(iii) OP and fire support team of 4 persons.
(b) No. 2 Section. Should be ready for detail search.
(c) No. 3 Section. They can rest, act as reserve and should be ready for pursuit.
What may be the sequence of actions at the CP?
(a) Information should be given by the OP/Sentries about the approaching vehicles/person.
(b) Barrier sentry guides the vehicle and people to the respective search areas.
(c) Vehicles and people should be taken into the detailed search area if suspicious things are confiscated.
(c) Suspected persons will be taken to the HQ for detailed interrogation.
What should be the action on attempted force entry by any Vehicle?
(a) If possible, warn the vehicle and aim the driver inside the vehicle.
(b) Try to stop the vehicle by using barrier, dragon teeth or other available resources.
(c) Everybody should go in stand to.
(d) If the vehicle does not stop, sentry can fire on the ground in front of the vehicle for warning; if not stopped, then fire in tyre, engine or in light. If the vehicle does not stop till then, sentry can fire the driver.
(e) When the situation is in control, the fire should be stopped.
(f) The driver and passengers have to be dismounted and kept at safe place.
(g) Medical facilities should be provided if necessary.
(h) Use tear gas if necessary.
(j) The warning order should be given before firing.
In which cases Warning order is not necessary?
(i) If there is threat of life of SF or any civilians or the possibility of lose of property.
(ii) If there is possibility of being attacked.
(iii) If the offender tries to snatch the weapon.
(iv) To stop the fleeing vehs or persons through the CP without caring the stopping signal and WO.
(v) If the situation becomes uncontrolled.
What may be some of the techniques to select the vehicles for search?
(a) Every second or third or fourth vehicle
(b) On the basis of color and type of the vehicle
(c) The vehicle carrying 15-40 years age group male only
(d) Persons other than locals
(c) Vehicles heading towards certain place or direction only
(e) Vehicles with single person
(f) In certain time interval
(g) On the basis of vehicle number (odd /even or other basis)
(h) On the basis of vehicles generally used by insurgents
What are the priority of Vehicle in CP?
(a) Vehicle of security force.
(b) Vehicle of government offices.
(c) Emergency service vehicles like ambulance,
fire brigade etc.
(d) Vehicles with elderly persons.
(e) UN/Diplomat vehicles.
(f) Vehicles carrying foreign tourists.
(g) Vehicles carrying students.
What are the points that SF have to pay special attention in the CP?
(a) Behave politely
(b) Do not behave with everyone as suspect.
(c) Do not take more time to check.
(d) Respect women and elder persons.
(e) Check in fair manner.
(f) Tell them the reason to establish CP
(g) Handling of weapons and posture of SF should be impressive.
(h) Do not manhandle while conducting search in CP
(j) Thank all for their co-operation in CP
What are the threats SF may have to face in CP?
(a) Explosive and socket bomb.
(b) Close/sniper firing by STF.
(c) Use of sharp-edged weapon.
(d) Firing from a moving vehicle.
(e) Attempt to overrun the CP.
(f) Hitting the security person on duty by vehicles.
(g) Suicide attack/car bomb.
(h) Snatching the weapon from security forces.
What can be the security arrangements in CP?
Security arrangements in CP
(a) Keep QRT stand by with communication to reinforce checkpoint if necessary.
(b) Conduct the CP with reserve.
(c) Prepare firing and alternative firing positions.
(d) Deploy RL as per the threat
(e) Lay mines (assault busters and others) sometimes hoax too.
(f) Mobilization of covert team.
(g) Use of fragmentation jacket and helmets.
(h) Arrangement of obstacles/barrier in CP. Examples are
(i) Drums
(ii) Tyres
(iii) Vehicles
(iv) Spiders
(v) Traffic cones
(vi) Wall
(vii) Knife wrest
(viii) Dragon teeth
(ix) Barrier
(x) Wires
(i) Use dummy cord compulsorily
(j) Give cover fire while searching.
(k) Dominate and occupy the surrounding area.
(l) Prepare helipad near CP.
(m) Use chicken net in sentry post.
(n) Clear the area and house around the CP.
(o) All persons should be alert all the time in CP.
(p) Clear the area first, before occupation of
temporary CP.
(q) Do not change the duty of whole team at the
same time.
(r) Avoid routine activities.
(s) Inform and coordinate the nearest unit/sub unit.
What are the suitable locations of the CP?
Suitable locations of the CP are as follows.
(a) Important crossing points.
(b) District boarders.
(c) Suspected area close to international border.
(d) Road junction.
(e) Road/tracks to sensitive areas.
(f) Concealed area.
(g) Bridges.
(h) Area which can’t be bypassed.
What are the points to be borne in mind while using unified command in CP?
The following points should be borne in mind while using unified command in CP.
(a) Training should be given jointly
(b) Conduct joint CPs as required
(c) Brief the troops jointly
(d) Establish and ensure chain of command
(e) Use compatible communication means
(f) Use the available resources collectively
(g) Inform each other about the CP if conducted separately
(h) Share the information about the insurgents
What are the points to be considered while carrying out vehicle search?
Followings are the points to be considered while carrying out vehicle search.
(a) Check the identity card and face of the driver.
(b) Do not allow passengers to ride on loaded trucks.
(c) Checked vehicles should be registered.
What are the methods of vehicle search?
Followings are the methods of vehicle search.
(a) Quick Vehicle Search
(i) Stop engine.
(ii) Request the driver and passenger to get down form vehicles.
(iii) Keep the passengers at least five meter away from the vehicle under covering fire.
(iii) Ask the driver to open door and hood of vehicles.
(iv) In the presence of the driver, check the followings.
(aa) New wires.
(ab) Switch (Don’t touch switch).
(ac) Use mirror to look in difficult place i.e. under the chassis.
(ad) Globe compartment.
(ae) Under and behind the seat.
(af) Spare tyre.
(ag) Simple looking things.
(ah) All luggage.
(b) Detail Vehicle Search
(i) Dickey
(aa) Extra tyre.
(ab) Tool Box.
(ac) Luggage.
(ii) Inner Part of Vehicle
(aa) Check systematically from front.
(ab) Radio, Cassettes, Globe Compartment.
(ac) Under the seat and cushion.
(ad) Under the carpet.
(ae) Toys and decoration materials.
(iii) Outer Part of Vehicles
(i) Wheel, Wheel Arches.
(ii) Bumper and behind number plate.
(iii) Fuel feeder Neck.
(iv) Hood.
(iv) Lower Part of Vehicles
(aa) Beneath the Radiator.
(ab) Beneath the engine.
(ac) Fuel Tank.
(ad) Whole Chassis.
(v) Engine Compartment
(aa) Parts connected with Bonnet.
(ab) Oil and Air filter.
(ac) Heater.
(ad) FrontGrill.
What are the points to be considered while carrying out body search?
Followings are the points to be considered while carrying out body search.
(a) It is advised to search person from behind by making them stand stretching both hands up.
(b) Always give cover to the searching person.
(c) If provided, use metal detector to search.
(d) If possible, use female soldiers to search female.
(e) Pay special attention to armpits, waists, thigh and stomach etc while searching.
(f) Check identity cards and make sure if the person is same or not.
(g) Use the finger while searching clothes.
(h) Give special attention to your own weapon security.