Patrolling Flashcards
SF engaged in counter insurgency operations are required to carry out extensive patrolling for a variety of reasons. What may be those reasons?
(a) Large areas of responsibility necessitate constant patrolling to achieve the requisite extent of domination.
(b) Difficult terrain and weather conditions required intensive and frequent patrolling for the area familiarization.
(c) More patrolling creates more contacts with insurgents which is essential for the success. Patrol is the basic operation to contact and destroy the hostile.
(d) More patrolling creates more contacts with insurgents which is essential for the success.
(e) Patrol is carried out to reach FRV of any tactical operation (Raid, ambush, CASO, SADO etc.).
It has often been seen that our patrolling standards are far from satisfactory and hence we are not able to make the best use of our patrolling activities which leads to fatigue and disgruntlement in our troops. What are the reasons behind these?
(a) Lack of coordination at staff level.
(b) Following a set pattern.
(c) Inhibition in conduct of patrolling at night due to lack of equipment (administrative problem).
(d) Improper use of field craft.
(e) Lack of knowledge of basic infantry tactics.
(f) Inability to carry out observation and surveillance.
(g) Lack of proper briefing.
(h) Battle fatigue.
Patrolling in counter insurgency environment is quite different from the conventional warfare. What are the peculiarities that stand out?
(a) There are no defended locality/areas of the opponent.
(b) Minefields are normally non-existent though hostiles are known to use extensive amount of IEDs and other explosive devices.
(c) There is neither ‘No Man’s Land’ nor are there any well demarcated boundaries.
(d) Hostiles normally lack in sophisticated weapons and equipment.
(e) Troops will often have to operate in pro-hostile village, in such cases greater attention will have to be paid by troops towards security of information and operation.
What are the pre-requisites for Successful Patrolling?
(a) High standard of junior leadership.
(b) High standard of physical fitness.
(c) Intimate knowledge of the terrain and population.
(d) Correct and courteous behavior towards the local population.
(e) Detailed and through briefing, constant cross check with the members of the
patrol to ensure that each person has understood the task and mode of execution of the task.
(f) Ability to move x-country by day and night.
(g) High standard of quick and accurate shooting.
(h) Good radio communication.
(i) Simple and effective administration including first aid.
(j) High state of motivation and awareness of dangers of complacency.
(k) High standard of navigation.
(l) Patrol Disciplines. The following disciplines are essential while conducting patrol in jungle:
(i) Silence. Signals should be passed visually and not verbally.
(ii) Litter. No litter must be left in the jungle.
(iii) Smoking and Smell. Smoking must not be allowed where contacts are expected and, in all cases, must be confined to harbors. Any unnatural smells in the jungle can be detected up to 300 meters away, sometimes further.
(iv) Cooking. Cold food may have to be eaten as cooking smells can easily betray a patrol.
(v) Living Rough. Soldiers must be prepared to do without their bedding, poncho and other comforts contained in their FSMO bag, if speed in a follow-up is required, or in a survival situation following a contact.
(vi) Latrines. Proper disposal of excreta in pits.
What are the some widely used patrols in CI environments other than foot patrols?
Some of the widely used patrols in CI environments other than foot patrols are:-
(a) Mobile Patrol
(b) Multiple Patrol
(c) Confidence building patrols.
(d) Covert Patrol
What are the fundamental principles of mobile patrol?
Fundamental principles of Mobile Patrols are:-
(a) Cover large area.
(b) Based on light vehicles/MPVs.
(c) Security and surprise.
(d) Constant communication.
(e) Back up quick reaction team.
(f) Battle field turnout.
What are the points that should be borne in mind with regards to conduct of confidence building patrols?
The followings should be borne in mind with regards to conduct of confidence building patrols:-
(a) Undertake only when the time is opportune.
(b) Sensitive areas should be focus of attention.
(c) Military tasks like intelligence gathering should not be clubbed with it.
(d) A friendly and helpful demeanor is essential.
(e) Avoid sensitive issues.
(f) Maintain high standard of discipline and civic behavior while interacting with the public.
What are the planning considerations of patrolling?
Planning Considerations (a) Aim and task of patrol. (b) Available information about insurgents including their modus operandi. (c) Available information about terrain. (d) Strength of the patrol. (f) Duration of the patrol. (g) Security, surprise and deception. (h) Coordination with flanking units. (i) Administration. (j) Signal communication.
What are the points to be considered regarding information about insurgents including their modus operandi?
(a) Members of civil set up and armed wing.
(b) Family members of the hostiles.
(c) Sympathizers and important people of the village.
(d) Weapons and ammunition with hostiles including the type of locally made weapons and explosives.
(e) Acts of terror and intimidation committed by the hostiles.
(f) Modus operandi and reaction capability.
What are the points to consider regarding information about terrain?
(a) Route, cross-country, along tracks/trails.
(b) Suspected areas where hostiles may lay an ambush.
(c) Villages’ en-route, their size and population.
(d) Prominent places, ridges and other land marks.
(e) Cultivated areas and huts.
(f) Streams, springs and other sources of water.
(g) Vegetation and type of jungle.
(h) Likely hostile training, concentration and administration areas.
What are the points to be kept in mind for ensuring security, surprise and deception?
(a) Move out in hours of darkness/inclement weather.
(b) Information on need-to-know basis.
(c) No unusual movement in and around the post.
(d) Avoid the concentration of force.
(e) Proper use of field craft and field signal
(f) Avoid inhibited areas/bypass them
(g) Minimum use of radio transmission
(h) Minimum required strength to be left behind for the security of the post
(i) Move first towards the other areas than the intended ones.
(j) Avoid using tracks whenever possible as they could be ambushed or mined
(k) Always returning by a different route and avoid the set pattern
(l) Setting sentries whenever a halt is made and ambushing tracks during tactical halts.
What is the sequence of action for patrolling?
(a) Receipt of patrolling order from higher HQ
(Eg: Coy Base get order from Bn HQ)
(b) Issue of WO and briefing to ptl cdr by Coy cdr.
(c) Recce and planning by patrol cdr.
(d) Preparation, briefing and rehearsal.
(e) Execution.
(f) Debriefing.
What are the details that should be include during preparation of patrolling?
Preparation. This should include some of the following details:-
(i) Information about hostiles and terrain.
(ii) Briefing of patrol leader.
(iii) Rehearsals.
(iv) Provision of tracker dog team, identifiers, guides and
(v) Administrative arrangements.
(vi) Signal communication.
What are the points that should be considered during rehearsal?
a) Individual positions in all formations.
b) Method of changing formation. Obstacle crossing drills
c) Action in case of ambush.
d) Action on halts.
e) Action while crossing an obstacle.
f) Action on meeting a civilian/suspect. Listening and
counting drills.
g) Action on encountering insurgent on route.
h) Method of securing patrol base when required.
i) Casualty evacuation and escorting of detainee.
j) Checking of navigation chart
What are the fundamental principles of multiple ptls?
Fundamental principles of multiple ptls are:-
(a) Mutual support.
(b) Coordination.
(c) Communication.
What are the aim and tasks of patrolling?
Aim and Tasks.
(a) Search and destroy missions.
(b) Ambush
(c) Cordon and search of a village.
(d) Screening and identification.
(e) Raid on hostile hideout/camp.
(f) Surveillance of village, hideout, hut and so on.
(g) Psychological aspect/civic action.
(h) Intelligence collection.
(i) Familiarization.
(j) Area domination.
What are the considerations that will have to be borne in mind to decide on the strength of a patrol?
(a) Task assigned.
(b) Distance to be covered.
(c) Duration of patrol.
(d) Hostile strength and reaction.
(e) Possibility of other tasks being given while operating.
While on move, the security forces should look for the indicators of the likely presence of hostile elements in the vicinity. What are those indicators?
(a) Foot prints.
(b) Disturbance in the vegetation.
(c) Fresh trails/tracks.
(d) Jungles noise other than normal.
(e) Abnormal behavior of local population.
(f) Excessive cooking.
(g) Sudden closing down of local shops by vendors.