Rhoda, Paul & Barnabas,Jerusalem Council, Demon-possessed Man, Berea, Priscilla & Aquila Flashcards
Why did the believers tell Rhoda she had seen Peter’s angel?
They thought she was out of her mind or mad and absolutely crazy.
Some even thought Peter was dead.
They prayed day and night for his deliverance but could not believe that it had taken place
Where did the believers get the idea of Rhoda seeing Peter’s angel
Some Jews had a tradition that a guardian angel could take a person’s form.
There is no biblical grounds for this teaching.
What caused Paul and Barnabas to fall out of favor with the unconverted Jews of Pisidian Antioch
The unconverted Jews in Pisidian Antioch were jealous that almost the entire city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.
They were afraid of losing their influence over the Gentiles who had been looking to them for teaching.
What did the unconverted Jews do in response to Paul and Barnabas preaching in Pisidian Antioch
They incited God fearing women of high standing in society and chief men of the city government.
They stirred up persecution to the point that Paul and Barnabas were thrown out of the district.
What was Paul and Barnabas’ ministry in Lystra
They went to a marketplace of open square inside the city gates and preached
Who did Paul & Barnabas meet in the open square/marketplace at Lystra?
They met a man crippled in his feet who had never walked.
Paul saw that he had the faith to be healed and commanded him a loud voice to stand.
He stood and walked.
What did the crowd at Lystra think when Paul and Barnabas told the crippled man to walk & he walked?
They thought that they were gods
Barnabas -Zeus -
Paul - Hermes
After God healed the crippled man - the crowd went to get
The priest of Zeus. He brought bulls (the most costly sacrifice) do th crowd planned to sacrifice bulls to Paul & Barnabas.
When someone told Paul and Barnabas that the people of Lystra were going to sacrifice bulls, they
Spoke to the people and told them that they were humans and about Jesus.
When the unbelieving Jews from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium came to Lystra and the crippled man walking they
They persuaded the crowd to help or allow them to stone Paul. They stoned him and thought he was dead but God healed him.
Paul got up and walked back into the city.
For whose sake did the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 ask the Gentiles to abstain from meats offered to idols, from blood and from things strangled and from fornication
First two requests
Abstain from meats offered to idols and from blood - this request was for the sake of promoting fellowship between Jewish and Gentile believers. If Jewish believers were going to accept no kosher foods in Gentiles believers home, then the least Gentiles believers could do was to avoid serving and eating things that the Jews could not tolerate.
What four things did the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 ask the Gentile believers to abstain from
Meats offered to idols
Things strangled
The request to abstain from fornication were for teh sake of
The Jewish witness to the one true God and to the high moral standards of a holy God requires
Jerusalem Council asking the Gentile believers to abstain from strangled animals and from blood
Was also to promote fellowship between the Jewish and Gentile believers. The Jews were forbidden by many laws from eating strangled animals and animals that were not properly butchered and drained of their blood.
The demon possessed slave girl at Philippi was able to predict the future. How was she able to do that?
She was demon-possessed.
The Greek word indicates that she had a spirit of ventriloquism; that is a demon spirit controlled her, speaking through, and practicing fortune telling.
The Greek also calls the slave girl (Philippi) a
Pythoness - The python was the symbol for the Greek god Apollo. Her masters claimed that her fortune-telling was the voice of Apollo.
This kind of fortune telling and giving of oracles brought in a lot of money for her masters.
What was special about the people of Berea?
They received the message of Christ with eagerness, zeal, and enthusiasm. They examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true.
What does the Bible say about the believers in Berea?
Because of their attitude and searing of the scriptures the Bible said they were “of more noble character” than the Jews in Thessalonica.
They set an example for all of us and Paul did not have to correct them later.
How was this a blessing (character of the believers in Berea) to Paul in his future ministry?
Paul could refer to the people of Berea as an example of how to live and study as believers in Christ. He didn’t need to correct them like he had to do with so many other churches.
They believed -majority of them. And Paul did not encounter any resistance like he did in Thessalonica until the agitators came to Berea.
How did Paul meet Priscilla and Aquila?
He met this husband and wife at Corinth.
Aquila was
A Jew, a native of Pontus, a Roman province in northern Asia Minor.
He was most likely a former slave because his name was common for slaves in Rome.
Priscilla was
An upper class Roman. It is possible that her father had been the owner of Aquila. He might have helped her believe in God.
After Aquila was freed
He married Priscilla and they moved to Corinth because Claudius (the emperor) ordered all Jews to leave Rome.
Paul found in Priscilla and Aquila
A place to stay, a place to live and carry out his tent making. They were tentmakers too and had been able to establish their business in Corinth.
They were believers in Christ and accompanied Paul to the synagogue every sabbath and encouraged Paul as he spoke to the Greeks and Jews.
Priscilla and Aquila were faithful
Friends, fellow laborers in the gospel. They were fellow workers, teachers and missionaries.
The first two requests - everything related to idolatry including
Meat offered to idols and sexual immorality heterosexual and homosexual immorality habitually practiced by so many gentiles pagans
These were for the sake of the Jewish witness to the one true God and to the high moral standard he requires.
THE WERE not to retain any of their former idol worship not even family heirlooms that seem harmless. Pagan neighbors could think that the worship of god could be mixed with pagan worship and ideas
Second two requests to abstain from meat strangled by animals and from blood were for
Promoting fellowship with Jewish believers
Nauseate Jews -eat meat of strangled animals (not drained properly) also and from blood
Precedent set long before Moses law
Noah not eat blood because it represented a creature’s life