Extra - Acts Part 1 Flashcards
Originally the Book of Acts didn’t
Have a name.
The churches in Galilee & Samaria are given
Important events such as the growth of
Very little attention
A strong church in Egypt or even Rome during the first century are not even metnioned
The speeches of the apostles can be identified as ________________, ________________, ______________
Horative - strong encouragement, inciting & giving advice
Luke shows that he chooses events that are significant, show trends, turning points and relationships by
Following theme suggested in the words of Jesus - You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
Luke shows that he is a first class historian by
What he chooses to include and exclude
Luke-Acts has much in common with __________________ and even more with ___________________
Historiography of ancient Israel
Secular historiography apply of the Greco-Roman world.
Luke shows careful design in Ats when he reports each of Paul’s evangelistic tours according toe h same structure - 3
1-introductory episode
2-Major report about one city
3-a series of summary reports
Luke and Acts has the same genre because Luke’s term
applies to
His entire two-volume history - confirmed by
Parallel structure - both Luke and acts have similar thematic elements
Luke never makes a mistake
Archeological evidence shows Luke checked his facts carefully -
Though the titles and statues of Roman officials changed frequently in the first century, Luke never makes a mistake
No mistakes about geography or history - exact information about teh cities of the coastal plain,
He spent 2 years checking facts and talking to eyewitnesses
Latest dates of the writing of act - AD 62-63 because
Acts gives no hint of the Jewish revolt of AD 66 or of the destruction of the temple in AD 70
Acts is a theological book giving us info. About: 4
Teaching concerning the nature, growth, life,and purpose of the church
The Bible does not give us history to satisfy our historical curiousity rather
To teach truth.
Luke is not just a historian he is also a
Theologian - His use of OT shows he is a biblical theologian who knew the scriptures well ad who believed in their inspiration and authority
Luke uses pst to present divine truth - he sees God directing the events of history
The church does not __________________ and it is a church under
Posses these gifts.
The word nd subject to the lord.
Though the kingdom of God is only mentioned 6 times
It is importantly feature of te book.