Extra Acts - Part 2 Flashcards
Robert Menzies gives a definition of Luke’s understanding of the gift of the Spirit
A prophetic
Enabling which empowers one for participation in the mission of God.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit includes - witness & prophecy &
Joy, discernment, miracle power, boldness, fear of God, comfort, guidance, spiritual gifts
A Sabbath day’s walk =
1000 yards
Luke draws attention to 5 things in Acts 1:12-26
#1 - They all
Joined together in one accord, united together, with one mind
They were all restored, recommissioned, no conflict or jealousy
The believers in Acts 1:12-26 were gathered with one purpose the Greek word is
LUke draws attention to 5 things in Acts 1:12-26
#2 - They all joined
Constantly in prayer - temple 9 am & 3pm and persistence in the upper room
Joyful praise with expectation of the outpouring of the Spirit were their chief occupation.
They were asking for the promised gift
Luke draws attention to 5 things in Acts 1:12-26
#3 -
The women joined with them in prayer with the same steadfastness
If one man were present, the masculine pronoun was used for the mixed group
Luke wanted everyone to know the women were present
The women in the upper room included - 7+
Mary Magdalene, Salome, Joanna, MAry and MArtha of Bethany, John Mark’s mother, Susanna
Other who had followed Jesus
Luke draws attention to 5 things in Acts 1:12-26
Mary the Mother of Jesus was present in teh upper room.
She was not a leader but present and fillled with the Holy Spirit
She could have died in Jerusalem or went with John to Ephesus and died there
Luke draws attention to 5 things in Acts 1:12-26
The brothers of Jesus were present, though prior to the Cross they did not believe in Him
James & Jude became leaders in the Jerusalem church.
The priests used Judas’ 30 pieces of silver to buy a field they named
Akeledama - field of blood
30 pieces of silver was the price of Jesus’s death
Judas’s violent death
The apostles decided that the person to replace Judas must be
A person who had been with them since the beginning of- Jesus’s baptism to ascension
The word apostle may be related to what rabbinic sources called shaliach meaning
A person who acts in behalf of another- power of attorney
Two men who could replace Judas
1 - Barasabbas - Roman name Justus
2 - Matthias - git of the Lord - He was (possibly) one of the 72 sent out by Jesus in Luke 10:1
To make the choice between Barssabbas & Matthias the apostles:
1-Prayed and recognized that Jesus knew which ne He wanted - he was the Heart Knower
2 - Cast lots
After the ascension of Jesus, the 120 continued to pray and praise for
10 days
The 120 gathered in teh upper room during the
Harvest festival/Feast of Weeks
7 weeks between Passover & Pentecost
Pentecost means
50th - called because of the fiftieth day after the waving of the sheaf of first fruits
We are NOT told where the120
We know it was upper room was located
Some thing it was the 3rd hour of the day and therefore they were meeting in teh temple or the temple court so that the women could be present
The sound of the mighty rushing wind reminded them
OT manifestations
God speaking to Job in storm
Red SEa - mighty wind dried out the path through the Red Sea
Fire and light were common symbols of divine presence
4 examples
1 - Burning bush
2-Fire on Mt. Sinai after people of ISrael accepted the law
3- Spirit coming in power charred the ropes of Samson
4 -Fire consumed Elijah’s sacrifice & stones on the altar
Wind and fire preceded the Pentecostal baptism/gift of the spirit
They were not
Part of the gift nor were they related on other occasions when the spirit was poured out.
Jesus promised a filling =
Full, satisfying experience.
They were ALL filled - not just some
In OT selected individuals were filled
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was prophesied about in Joel - it was
A receiving and active taking of a gift
A falling upon, an outing out of the git and a coming upon.
The Holy Spirit is a person
Any time were are talking about filling of the spirit we are talking about an experience that brings relationship
As soon as the 120 were filled they begin to speak in tongues - the Greek word is
This was entirely unknown in Judaism and would be regarded as a remarkable NOVUM marking a new phase inGod’s dealings with his people.
They spoke in tongues as
The Spirit enabled them to
He proceeded to give and continued to give them ability to speak out loudly and boldly
Tongues at Pentecost was a sign
To unbelievers
God used them to draw a crowd as well as to edify the believers
Because it was the feast of Pentecost it is likely that
As many as 1,000,000 Jews from all over the known world were in Jerusalem.
The hearers were amazed and perplexed - perplexed means
Confused, at a loss, completely unable to underhand what this was all about
They understood the meaning of the words but not the purpose
There was definite evidence that gleukous (glucose) was not the ordinary word for wine - instead
It was sweet, unfermented grape juice.
What the mockers meant is these men are too abstemious to touch anything fermented have made themselves drunk on grape juice
Irony is self evident
In Acts 2:14-40 Peter stood up and spoke
In his own language (Aramaic) as the Spirit enabled him to
What follows is not an ordinary sermon in the ordinary sense of the word.
IT was spontaneous an infestation of the gift of prophecy
In Acts 2:14 - 40 Peter declared that what he had seen and heard in Acts 2:33 was
A fulfillment of Joel 2:28-30
Peter said this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he specified what the word “afterward” in Joel 2:28 means
The outpouring is in teh last days. He recognized that the last days began with the ascension of Jesus
Entire church age is the last days
In Hebrew “all flesh” means
All humankind
The Spirit wants to give us power and make us strong