Gamaliel, Deacon, Stephen, Barnabas, Dorcas, Cornelius Flashcards
What relation dos the selection of the seven men in Acts 5 have to the church office of a deacon mentioned elsewhere in scripture
The seven men were chosen are not called deacons in Acts 6.
The verb used is a form of diakoneo, or to serve from which deacon is derived.
Their election most likely gave precedent for what we find as an office in local churches later.
Diakoneo means
Serve -referring to the seven men that were chosen and later to deacons
What 2 scripture passages talk about deacons
1 Timothy 3:8-12
Roman’s 16:1 - where Phoebe is a deacon not a deaconess
What two requests did Stephen pray for while he was being stoned in Acts 7
1 - He prayed “Lord Jesus receive or welcome my spirit.”
By addressing the prayer to Jesus he recognized that Jesus sis divine and truly God.
This probably enraged the Sadducees even further
What two requests did Stephen pray while he was being stoned
He prayed Lord, do not hold this sin against them.
What effect did persecution that followed the death of Stephen have on the spread of the gospel
The persecutions did not stop the spread of the gospel. Instead it had the opposite effect.
The believers all received teachings and training prior to the persecution and as a result they were ready to move out.
The persecutions that followed Stephen’s death made the
Believers move out. They scattered in all directions but did not settle down. Instead they kept traveling from place to place spreading the good news wherever they went.
The believers who scattered after Stephen’s death were
Ordinary people who were full of the Holy Spirit, knew the Word of God and became channels of love and power of Jesus
Why do we believe that the water baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch involved submerging?
Luke draws attention to the fact that the eunuch and Philip “went down into” the water. Then Philip baptized him and they came “ up out of the water.”
This language makes it clear that the word “baptize” has its usual meaning
The usual meaning of baptism is
Immerse, submerge, dip under
many other passages make it clear that immersion was a practice of the Early Church.
According to Acts 9, in what way did Barnabas become a key figure in the life of the newly converted Paul
Barnabas heard about Paul’s conversion, did a little bit more investigation and then brought him to the apostles.
The apostles were all afraid of Paul because
Of his severe persecution of the church and they thought the story of Saul’s conversion was a trick to identify members of the church.
Barnabas help relieve the fears of the apostles by
Explaining that Saul had seen the Lord/Jesus and preached fearlessly in Damascus.
He shared all the details of what Saul had done since his Damascus Road experience.
It was because of Barnabas that Saul
Was able to stay with the apostles and become part of the Church
When Peter raised Dorcas from the dead why did he first make all the people leave the room?
He had learned that an atmosphere of unbelief is not conducive to faith that sees miracles
What lesson had Peter learned from a similar miracle (similar to Dorcas) performed by Jesus
He learned from Jesus that an atmosphere of unbelief is not conducive to faith that sees miracles. He spent time praying
Peter spent time praying before he healed Dorcas because
He saw Jesus do this and because Jesus instructed them to do so in Matthew 10:8
What happened as Peter spoke to the Gentiles in Cornelius’ household?
The Holy Spirit fell suddenly and powerfully on all who heard the message. This identified them as true believers
What evidence convinced the Jewish believers that the Gentiles had been filled with the Holy Spirit?
They witnessed the manifestation of the Spirit poured out, their speaking in other tongues -
Tongues that magnified and praised the Lord
The Holy Spirit was poured out again to the Gentiles just like He was poured out at Pentecost
The manifestation of the Spirit (in Cornelius’ household)
Speaking in tongues - tongues that praised and magnified God.
What does the name “Christian” mean?
It meant they were soldiers, followers, partisans, strong supporters of Christ.
What secular practice did the name Christian come from ?
Soldiers in the Roman army often took the name of their general. - added an Ian to indicate they wear a soldier or a follower of that general.
For example - Caesar’s soldiers were calledCaesarian, Pompey’s were called Pompeiani.
Political parties such as the Herodians also followed this example.
Where were the Jews first called Christian’s?