Introduction - Acts 1 Flashcards
Why is the title Acts of the Apostles not really the best choice of a title for this book?
1 - Apostles - although the apostles are named in the first chapter and they preached in the temple in the first part of the book, most are not named again and some are barely mentioned.
2-Jesus - the book records how Jesus focused on the Holy Spirit.
3-The HolySpirit - The outpouring of the Holy Spirit sets the action of the book in motion
The book of Acts mentions the Holy Spirit
51 times
A better name for the book of Acts would be
Acts of the Holy Spirit
The Acts of the RisenLord by the Holy Spirit in and Through the Church
Does the book of Acts give the full story on the growth of the Church.
No, it gives brief summaries of what happened.
Some events are not mentioned and some are not given in great detail.
Condensed accounts of speeches and events were necessary due to limited space available in ancient papyrus boooko r scroll.
IF the entire story were to be recorded it would fill several sets of books the size of encyclopedias.
Luke had to choose events that are
Show trends
Turning points and relationships
The outline of the book of Acts
Chapters 1-7 - center on Jerusalem describing intimate growing and the testing of the church.
Acts 8-12
Reveal how the Spirit down down barriers in Judea, Samaria.
Acts 13-28
Show how the gospel began o move toward teh ends of the earth. This shows that Luke followed a theme suggested by Jesus: “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
How does Luke use the theme of Acts 1:8 you shall be witness unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea,and in Sarmiento and unto the uttermost part of the earth to organize Acts
1- Chapters 1-7 center on events in Jerusalem. These chapters describe the initial growth and testing of the church
#2 - Chapters 8-12 reveal how the spirit broke down barriers in Judea and Samaria
#3 - Chapters 13-28 - show how the gospel began to move towards the ends of the arts. Te latter chapters emphasize new center for the spread of the gospel at Antioch, Ephesus, and Rome
Does the book of Acts name its author?
Who was the author of Acts
List three of the reasons given by Stanley Horton that support the authorship of Luke
1 - Acts 1:1 - refers to the same Theophilus mentioned in Luke 1:1-4. We find that the book of acts is the outworking of the gospel of Luke
Authorship of Luke #2
Good evidence connects Acts & Luke with Paul referring to “our dear friend Luke, the doctor.”
The Muratorian Cannon attributes teh book of Luke and Acts to Luke as did Irenaeus and many of the arth church fathers.
Authorship of Luke #3
The “we” passages in Acts 16:10-17
20:5 - 21:18
37:1 - 28:16
These passages are written in a style indistinguishable from the rest of the book and indicate that Luke was using his own material. In the passages he indicates that he was with Paul on parts of the second and third missionary journeys and his journey to Rome.
What are the earliest possible dates that Acts could have been written and why
Since acts concludes with Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, AD 60-62 is the earliest date.
Acts devotes so much space the events of AD 58-60 that is likely that events had just occurred.
What are the latest possible dates that the book of Acts could have been written and why?
In AD 64 Rome burned and Nero began persecuting Christians. This brought a complete change in teh relation between Christians and the empire.
As a result, the latest date for the writing of acts would be about AD 62 or 63. The book records the first generation of believers and the first 30 years of the growth of the church that started at Pentecost
Discuss the word “power” as it is used in Acts 1:8. What does it mean.
Jesus said that they were to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to teh ends of the earth. They were to tell what they had seen, heard and experienced of Jesus.
To do that effectively Jesus told them the would receive power.
The Greek word for power is dunamis which means mighty power.
What is the word power in acts 1:8 related to?
The power is related to the promise given to Abraham that all families of the earth would be blessed.
In Matthew 24:14 Jesus told his disciples that the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in teh whole world as a testimony to all nations.
He emphasized that his followers could not wait for ideas conditions before spreading the gospel to the nations. The age would be marked by wars, rumors of wars, famines, and earth quakes. We must spread the gospel in the midst of these conditions regardless of the cost.
How should the power in Acts 1:8 be a part of our lives
We would become Spirit-empowered ambassadors whose lives and ministries are extensions of spirit-empowered life and ministry of Jesus.
Through the Spirit we have met Him. We know Him. We live by Him. With Him and in Him.
Many consider the Book of Acts to be a
Historal monograph
Luke purposely places his work into the context of sophicated Greek literature - it differs of Hellenic writings in two ways
Absence of chronology
Presence of the perspective of God, Christ, Holy Spirit & chosen witnesses
The books of Luke and Acts are
Two parts of the one unified work. Teh prologues of the two books uphold this and the arterial in teh gospel and its ending.
Luke was an
Ad he talked to eyewitnesses - Philip the evangelist in Caesarea, John Mark, Mary the mother of Jesus who was present in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost
Archeological evidence
Shows that Luke checked his facts carefully
The word “power” in Acts 1:8 means
Greek word dunamis - means mighty power
Jesus said that they were to be his witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. They were to tell what they had seen and heard and experienced.
To do that effectively Jesus told them that they would receive power.
How does the power in Acts 1:8 be a part of our Christian lives
Through the power of the Holy Spirit we would become Spirit-empowered ambassadors whose lives and ministries are extensions of Spirit life and ministry of Jesus. Through the Spirit we met him. we know him. We live by him and with him and in him.
The power in Acts 1:8 is related to
The promise given to Abraham that all families of the earth would be blessed. In Matthew 24:14 Jesus told his disciples that the gospel of the kingdom would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations.
It emphasized that his followers could not wait for ideal conditions before spreading the gospel to the nations. This age would be characterized by wars, famines, earthquakes. We must spread the gospel in the midst of these conditions regardless of the cost
How can we reconcile the information given concerning the suicide of Judas in Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18?
Matthew 27:5 says that Judas. Went away and hanged himself. Luke knew this because he researched all that was written and he did not see a contradiction.
People were not hanged by a rope in those days. Crucifixion and impalement through the stomach were 2 common methods of hanging. Judas could not crucify himself but he could set up a sharp. Stake and fall headlong over it. This action would cause his body to burst open and his intestines to spill out.
Luke’s account complements Matthew’s account.
Who was the successor of Judas?
How was Matthias selected?
The apostles prayed recognizing that Jesus knew which one should be the 12th apostle. Then they cast lots.
Was the method of casting lots used frequently in the Book of Acts?
No, this method was only used in this instance. It was an Old Testament method that followed the precedent in Proverbs 16:33. After Pentecost they relied on the Holy Spirit for guidance.