Rheum/MSK Flashcards
What Rheum disease has daily fever, rash, and arthritis? This eventually resolves but does recur
What lab value is elevated?
Adult Still Disease (Ferritin Level)
Pediatric Onset is the Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Rheumatoid Patients that have chronic steroid use should be evaluated for what?
Thick skin over the hands, elevated BP, Raynaud Phenomenon, elevated BP 200+, elevated Creatinine, what should be given?
Captopril, ACE inhibitor, Scleroderma Renal Crisis
What is positive ANA and positive Anti-centromere?
Limited Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
Ankylosing Spondylitis have a higher rate of what GI problem?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Look out for abdominal pain, diarrhea, or change in bowel habits
If patients have Sjogren Syndrome related oral dryness and candy does not work, what is the next best medications?
Cevimeline or Pilocarpine
Systemic Sclerosis -> interstitial lung disease, what is the mainstay of treatment?
Mycophenolate Mofetil
What rheum pathology has the following:
Renal Vasculature problems (pathology has “beads on a string”, nodular skin lesions, abdominal pain, and mononeuritis multiplex
Usually associated with Hep B and/or Hep C
Pan Nodularis
Remember Mesenteric Ischemia can occur as well!
Rheumatoid Arthritis + Neutropenia + Splenomegaly is what?
Felty Syndrome
Lupus Nephritis, systemic disease, patient’s get steroids and what two other drugs?
Hydroxychloroquine and Mycophenolate
Multiple episodes of abdominal pain, rash, arthritis that resolve after 1 week, grandparents had a similar work up. What is this?
What is a treatment?
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Colchicine, decrease inflammation and amyloid protein
Acute gout, without any kidney disease. What is the first line?
Proximal and Distal Muscle Weakness, over a long period of time, autoimmune, what might this be?
Inclusion Body Myositis
Polymyositis has what distinct muscle characteristic?
Proximal Muscle weakness, happens fairly quickly, happens over a period of weeks
Granulomatosis with Polyangitis (GPA), what is the treatment?
Steroids and Rituximab
What is this?
Discoid subacute cutaneous lupus
Skin and joint problems while taking Minocycline, what is this? Think about autoimmune issues
Drug induced Lupus
Patient has mixed osteolytic changes, back pain, and elevated ALP, what is this?
Paget Disease of the Bone
Lupus Perino is a skin manifestation seen in some patients with what disease?
Are these rashes photosensitive
Pustular Lesions and visible telangiectasia that does not spare the nasolabial fold is what?
Dermatomyositis patients that are using steroids, what two medications should be looked at to decrease overall steroid use?
Methotrexate or Azathioprine
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth has usual hallmark signs?
Explosive diarrhea, right after a meal
Small Intestinal bacteria overgrowth is detected and treated how?
Glucose, Hydrogen, and Lactulose Breath Tests
Antibiotics, every month rotating which ones are given
Poorly Controlled Ankylosing Spondylitis, can develop what kidney pathology?
Renal Amyloidosis
Poorly Controlled Ankylosing Spondylitis via NSAIDS, what is the next medication?
What is this?
Acute Lupus Flare
How long after an enteric infection or a bout of nongonococcal urethritis or cervicitis with reactive arthritis occur?
2-3 weeks
What two medication groups can cause a dry mouth?
Anti-depressants and Anti-histamines, mouth breathing are common causes of dry mouth
Contraindications to allopurinol therapy, what is the next medication?
Febuxostat, best in moderate to severe CKD
Fibromylagia, what is the best treatment of choice?
Otherwise, exercise is #1
What type of secondary arthritis should be suspected when arthritis of an early age occurs?
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Pregnant patients having a Lupus flare, what is the best treatment?
Prednisone treatment
HLAB 57:01, has be tested for what anti-viral evaluation?
HLAB 58:01, has to be tested for what medication evaluation in Hans-Chinese patients?
Allopurinol Hypersensitivity
Giant Cell Arteritis/Severe RA treatment, to spare using steroids, what should be used?
IL-6 inhibitor
Sjogren’s Syndrome, what is the patient at an increased risk for of getting? (Think cancer type)
B-cell and MALT Lymphoma
Osteoarthritis, initial treatment, what is the best medication, Tylenol or NSAID?
Does a patient have to have a positive antibody histone to have and SLE drug induced reaction?
What is +ANA, +anti-Scl-70, anti-RNA pol III, and anti-topoisomerase I?
Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
What is the anti-U1 RNP and ANA positive?
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease
Most likely disease with the following antibodies
+ANA, +anti-jo-1, +anti-synthetase
Polymyositis or Dermatomyositis
What is a + ANA, + anti-centromere antibodies?
Limited Cutaneous SS
What is + ANA, + anti-topoisomerase I (anti- scl-70) and anti-RNA polymerase III?
Diffuse Cutaneous SS
Churg Strauss has a positive what type of antibody?
+ Anti-myeloperoxidase antibodies
Behcet Disease is associated with what HLA?
Anterior Uveitis, chronic oral aphthae, skin hyperpigmentation, erythema nodosum, and autoimmune is what?
Behcet Disease
Physical exam shows Rash (Silvery scale) on red patches, Nail pitting, Dactylitis, and Arthritis Multilans (Digital Shortening due to resorptive arthritis, pencil in cup), what is this?
Psoriatic Arthritis
Lymphocytic infiltration of salivary glands and lacrimal glands, collections of focal lymphocyte aggregates, what disease is this?
Sjogren Syndrome
Hand Xray that has hook-like osteophytes and squared off bone ends as well as chondrocalcinosis, what is this?
Hemochromatosis Arthropathy/Arthritis
What is seen in the XR hand?
XR hand can also show bone erosions with overhanging edges
Hand Osteoarthritis of the first CMC joint, what is the first line treatment?
Joint Orthoses, hand brace
What medication can help with low back pain, not tylenol or NSAID?
Patient has an anatomical snuff box fracture, what test should be done after a negative X-ray?
MRI Hand, concern for scaphoid fracture
Sjogren’s Syndrome has increased risk of what cancer?
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
What is the MOA of Secukinumab? When is it used?
IL-17 inhibitor, used with active psoriatic arthritis refractory to 2 different TNF inhibitors
What is the first line medication for Fibromyalgia?
Can Methotrexate be continued during pregnancy?
No, should be stopped 3 cycles before starting to conceive
Tocilizumab can be a treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis. What is the MOA? What should be monitored while taking the drug?
IL-6 inhibitor
Lipid Profile
Limited Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis and Raynaud Phenomenon that has failed multiple therapies, what should be given, almost last line?
Prostacyclin PGI2 analogue, dilates systemic and pulmonary arterial vascular beds
Joint culture that shows cells of 50K to 150K, PMN > 75% is what?
Septic Joint
Tofacitinib is being considered for RA treatment. The patient has +TB skin test. No active symptoms, what should be done?
Latent TB should be treated before Medication initiation
Fibromyalgia, what is a mainstay of treatment?
Exercise and CBT, is #1
Rheumatoid Arthritis that has not improved with max methotrexate. What is the next step?
Adalimumab, TNF inhibitor
How long must a Fibromyalgia patient have symptoms in order to have the diagnosis?
3 months
A patient is taking Alemtuzumab for Psoriasis, what is a side effect?
A patient has decreased reflexes what is one or two causes?
Not related to nerve pathways and lesions
OTC or elevated Magnesium
Autoimmune Hepatitis has what antibody?
+Smooth Muscle Antibody titers
What is the first line and second line treatment for Autoimmune Hepatitis?
1) Steroids
2) Azathioprine
Primary Biliary Cholangitis has what positive antibody?
What is the treatment?
anti- Mitochondrial antibody (AMA) titer
Urosodeoxylic acid
What is this disease? Think autoimmune
Psoriasis “pencil in cup”
What is this disease? Think routine patient
Osteoarthritis, “sea gull wing”
What shoulder pathology has orange/red clumps, hydroxyapatite arthropathy, and history of trauma to the shoulder (sometimes)?
What does the synovial fluid look like?
Milwaukee Shoulder, Basic Calcium Phosphate Deposition
When Giant Cell Arthritis is being treated what determines if IV steroids will be given or not?
eye symptoms
If eye symptoms -> IV steroids
No eye symptoms -> PO steroids
Transplant associated gout is associated with the use of what medication?
What is the uric acid goal when patients are treated with allopruinol?
Serum Urate level less than 6
Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition can be associated with what 4 underlying metabolic disorders?
What primary bone cancer has “popcorn calcifications”, treatment is excision only?
What primary bone cancer has “sunray spiculation”, “Codman’s triangle”? This disease is biphasic. This disease shows up in the really young and really old.
What primary bone cancer has “an onion ring sign”? This comes from malignant neural crest cells. This typically high grade.
Ewing Sarcoma
Primary Bone cancers can metastasize, where do they typically infect? (General Body Part)
Anti-Smith antibody is most specific to what disease?
Anti-dsDNA antibody correlates with what disease Severity?
Lupus Kidney disease
Anti-La/SSB antibody correlates to what?
Sjogren Syndrome (Sicca Syndrome) and Neonatal SLE
What does anti-CCP antibody correlate too?
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Anti-Jo-1 antibody correlates to what?
Polymyositis and Anti synthetase syndrome
P-ANCA (anti-MPO antibody) correlates to what?
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg Strauss syndrome) and MPA
C-ANCA (anti-PR3 antibody) coreelates to what?
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegner’s Syndrome)
Anti-Ro/SSA antibody correlates to what three things?
Sjogren Syndrome, Neonatal Heart Block, and subacute cutaneous lupus
Anti-histone antibody correlates to what?
Drug-induced SLE
Anti-SCL-70 antibody correlates to what?
Systemic Sclerosis and pulmonary fibrosis/diffuse cutaneous Scleroderma
What can these four drugs cause or be responsible for?
Lupus Medication reaction (elevated anti-histone)
What medication should a Lupus patient take?
Steroids and Hydroxychloroquine, ok for pregnancy
Will take 2 months to 6 months for maximum effect, need eye doctor follow up
Lupus Nephritis, what should the patient be on?
Cellcept (Mycophenolate)
If proliferative GN -> prescribe IV cyclophosphamide
Hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, colchicine, and prednisone are Lupus medications that are safe in what?
Methotrexate and leflunomide are not allowed in what female medical state?
How long does a women need to be on lupus medications before considering pregnancy?
6 months
Lupus Flare vs. Pre-Eclampsia, what labs will be seen?
Anti-dsDNA is elevated in Lupus, uric acid is low, elevated urine calcium
Lupus will have low C3 and C4, as well
Tx: Given Prednisone -> Lupus Flare
Dermatomyositis patients have an increased risk of what?
Adenocarcinoma of almost any organ
Fibromyalgia, treatment is usually SSRI, CBT, and PT. What is the next step if someone needs further medication?
Ankylosing spondylitis can cause kidney problems, long term. How does this occur?
Renal Amyloidosis and IgA nephropathy