General Medicine Flashcards
What is the treatment for urge incontinence?
Bladder Training for timed voiding
If a patient has statin resistance, no reduction despite statin max and eztimibe therapy. What is the next best step?
Patient has constant dizziness, 30 hours, multiple vascular risk factors, older patient, what should be done?
MRI brain
A patient has a high risk for breast cancer, mom and sister have breast cancer, what should be done?
Genetic Counseling
If a patient has sertraline and venlafaxine depression resistance, what is the next best step?
Intranasal esketamine
If a patient has routine dyspnea on exertion, with no cardio/pulmonary cause or reason, what is the next best step?
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
Acute cough less than 3 months is typically what?
Viral infection
What is another name for code status evaluation?
Advance Care planning
Cervical Radiculopathy can be treated how?
Conservative management, exercises, will have a positive Spurling Test (Neck pain on the side of forced rotation)
Meclizine in the elderly can cause what problems after 4 weeks?
Ataxia, they can fall over easier, should d/c if able
Scaphoid fracture after an accident, what is the next best step?
MRI/CT scan, thumb splinting
PTSD, ex-Iraq soldier, what is the best medication?
SSRI, prazosin can help with sleep, but SSRI is much better
Cervical Radiculopathy is what?
Nerve Root Impingement, nerve off of the spinal cord
Cervical Myelopathy is what?
Spinal cord impingement, at that level, is usually worsened with neck flexion
Myofascial Neck Pain is what?
Point tenderness of a muscle
Left Hip pain, pain that radiates down the leg, worse with straight leg test, pain is sharp and shooting, pregnant, what is the most likely cause?
Sciatic nerve radiculopathy
Meniere’s disease does not present with what?
Constant Vertigo
If a patient recently had a URI, persistent vertigo, hearing loss, what is this?
Labrithyinitis, treat with steroids
Elevated triglycerides, ASCVD score is 4.3, drinks less than 2 drinks a day, what is the best recommendation?
Diet and exercise
If a patient has a chronic dry cough, greater than one month, no tobacco, seasonal rhinitis, what is the next best test?
Spirometry, think about asthma
Flexion, adduction, and internal rotation of the hip cause pain, 68 year old male, back pain, what else do you suspect?
Hip Osteoarthritis
Chronic Venous stasis ulcers, what should be given?
Compression Therapy
A paraplegic is bed bound, what is the best opition to decrease a pressure wound?
Static matress therapy
Sudden onset urinary incontinence, what is the first step for evaluation?
Comfort care, patient has delirium and not responding with delirium and haldol, what is the treatment?
Give Lorazepam
Greater Trochanteric pain, what is the hallmark sign?
Laying on the affected side
A patient has Flexion, Abduction, and External rotation pain, what is this?
Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Chronic pain and treatment, what is the next best step?
Opiod Risk Assessment
Opioid induced constipation requires treatment, what is the treatment of choice?
A snuffbox fracture, the original xray is wnl, what is the next best step? (Patient and doctor do not want to wait two weeks to repeat an xray)
MRI hand
If a patient has a chronic cough, that can not be explained, what medication can be given for symptom relief?
2 or more episodes of vertigo lasting 20 minutes to 12 hours and fluctuating or nonfluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, or ear pressure, what could this be?
Meniere’s Disease
Asian patient with gout, what is the first initial step of treatment?
HLAB*58:01 genotyping
If a patient has dementia and inability to get to the toilet in time, what is the best recommendation?
Prompted Voiding
What is the best treatment for cervical radiculopathy?
Neck Exercises
If you are over 40 years old and have DM, what should most people be placed on?
Swelling and pain in the patient’s elbow, works as a Gardner, what would be the treatment recommendations?
Rest, Ice, and protection
Positive Dix Hall Pike manuever, what is the next best step?
Canalith repositioning manuever
Receiving Benzos and Opiods at the same time has an increased risk of what?
First line treatment for geratic insomnia patients, what is the best treatment?
Behavior related therapy
All syncope patients should have what test done?
Orthostatic BP
If taking Olanzapine, what blood test should be ordered as well?
Lipid Panel