Review 14 Flashcards
Protein + Phospholipids
K+ channel opens, K+ flows out of the cell
Sensory Afferent Motor Efferent Dorsal Afferent Ventral Efferent
Monosynaptic Reflex Arc
Only one synaptic connection between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron
Polysynaptic Reflex Arc
Interneuron in between motor and sensory nerves
Brain and Spinal Cord
Brain - Receives and processes sensory information, initiates responses, stores memories, generates thoughts, and emotion.
Spinal Cord - Conducts signals to and from the brain, controls reflex activities.
PNS -> Motor (CNS to muscles and glands) and Sensory (sensory organs to CNS) Neurons
Motor Neurons -> Somatic (Voluntary) and Autonomic (involuntary) System
Autonomic System -> Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Upper End of the Brain Stem
Consists of two separate cerebral spheres
Sensory coordination, relay station for visual and auditory information, reticular activating device, wakefulness, arousal
Primitive emotions, autonomic function, hormone production and release, homeostasis temperature, pH, blood pressure, hormones, primitive emotions
Lateral Hypothalamus
Hunger and thirst center, triggers eating and drinking
Ventromedial Hypothalamus
Provides signal to stop eating
Controls Sexual Behavior
Pituitary Gland
Master endocrine Gland
Pineal body
Biological rhythms, secretes melatonin to regulate circadian rhythms
Right and left hemispheres: higher conscious thought and intellectual function
Frontal Lobe
Movement, personality, complex reasoning and problem-solving
Prefrontal Cortex
Executive function and supervising other brain regions associated with perception, memory, emotion, impulse control and long term planning.
Association Area
An area that integrates input from diverse brain regions
Projection Area
Perform simple perceptual and motor tasks