Respiratory8 Flashcards
Pneumoconioses Neonatal Respiratory Distress syndrome
3 forms of pneumoconioses.
Pneumoconioses increases risk of what?
Cor Pulmonale
Caplan’s syndrome
Associated with coal mines.
Associated with foundries, sandblasting, and mines.
Associated with shipbuilding, roofing, and plumbing.
What pneumoconioses affects the Lower lobes?
*Anthracosis & Silicosis – Upper lobes
Which pneumoconioses have increased risk of bronchogenic carcinomas?
Silicosis & Asbestosis (also Mesothelioma)
“Eggshell” calcification of hilar lymph nodes.
What is pathognomonic of Asbestosis?
“Ivory white,” calcified pleural plaques
*NOT precancerous
What leads to fibrosis in Silicosis?
Macrophages respond to silica and release fibrogenic factors
*Silica may disrupt phagolysosomes and impair macrophages –> Increase TB risk
What do Asbestos bodies look like on histo?
Golden-brown fusiform rods (look like dumbells)
What finding is predictive of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome?
Lecithin:Sphingomyelin ration < 1.5 in amniotic fluid
Deficiency in surfactant leads to what?
INcreased surface tension
Alveolar collapse
What can Therapeutic supplemental O2 cause in neonates?
Retinopathy & Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Risk factors for Neonatal Respiratory Distress syndrome.
Prematurity Maternal Diabetes (d/t elevated fetal insulin) Cesarean delivery (Decrease release of fetal glucocorticoids)