Respiratory4 Flashcards
Pulmonary circulation Pulmonary Hypertension Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
Normally, pulmonary circulation is a ___-resistance, ____-compliance system.
A decrease in PaCO2 causes a vasoconstriction that shifts blood away from _______ ventilated regions of the lung to _______ ventilated regions.
Poorly ventilated to Well-ventilated
What is a serious complication of pulmonary hypertension?
Cor Pulmonale and subsequent Right Ventricular Heart failure
*Jugular venous distension, Edema, Hepatomegaly
What is the equation for lung diffusion?
How does Emphysema & Pulmonary fibrosis affect it?
Vgas = A/T x Dk(P1-P2)
A = Area (DEcreased in Emphysema) T = Thickness (INcreased in pulmonary fibrosis) Dk(P1-P2) = differences in partial pressures
What is normal pulmonary artery pressure?
10-14 mmHg
What does pulmonary hypertension result in? (3)
*> 25mmHg or > 35 mmHg during exercise
Medial hypertrophy
Intimal fibrosis
What is Primary Pulmonary Hypertension caused by?
Inactivating Mutation in the BMPR2 gene
*poor prognosis
What is the normal function of BMPR2gene?
Inhibits vascular smooth muscle proliferation
What are the causes of Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension? (6)
- Destruction of lung parenchyma
- MItral Stenosis
- INcreased Resistance –> Increased P
- Recurrent Thromboemboli
- Decreased Cross-sect area of vasc bed
- Autoimmue disease (ie systemic sclerosis)
- Inflamm -> Intimal fibrosis -> Medial hypertrophy
- Left-to-Right shunt
- INcreased shear stress -> Endothelial injury
- Sleep Apnea or Living at High altitudes
- Hypoxic vasoconstriction
What is the clinical course of Severe Respiratory Distress?
Cyanosis & RVH
Death from decompensated cor pulmonale
What is the equation for pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)?
PVR = (P pulm artery - P L atrium)/CO
P pulm artery = pressure in pulmonary artery
P L atrium = pulmonary Wedge pressure
O2 content =
(O2 binding capacity x % saturation) + dissolved O2
Normally 1 g Hb can bind ____ mL O2
Normal Hb amount in blood is ___ g/dL
15 g/dL
Cyanosis results when deoxygenated Hb > ___ g/dL
5 g/dL