respiratory system part 2 (gas exchange) Flashcards
what are the two major functions of primary diffusion
replenishes blood oxygen used for oxidative energy production
removes c02
what is the respiratory membrane composed of
alveolar wall
capillary wall
basement membranes
what is the percentage of o2, co2, N and other when you inhale
o2 21%
co2 0.037%
other 0.9%
N 78%
what is the percentage of 02, co2 and N when you exhale
o2 16%
co2 4%
N 78 %
where is the diaphragm located
underneath the lungs
what happens to the diaphragm during inspiration
contracts and flattens to increase thoracic activity space
where are the intercostal muscles locates
between each rib
function of intercostal muscles during inspiration
contract lifting the rib cage up and outwards