lymphatic system Flashcards
what does the lymphatic system consist of
fluid (lymph)
lymphatic vessels transport lymph
red bone marrow
bunch of organs that contain lymphatic tissue (tonsils, spleen,thymus gland)
what does lymph act as
biological filters
where does the fluid enter and leave
enters through afferent lymphatic vessels, filters through sinuses, leaving through efferent lymphatic vessels
what are the specialised cells that line each sinus, engulf and destroy trapped particles
what does interstitial fluid supply and remove
supplies o2/ nutrients
removing urea/co2
what is the location of lymph
lymphatic vessels, flowing through lymphatic vessels until returned to cardiovascular system
where is interstitial fluid located
fills microscopic spaces between cells of tissue
where does lymph originate as
plasma, clear in colour
how does plasma become lymph
plasma filers out arterials, collects waste, drains into lymphatic vessels
what does lymph bath
all of your bodies cells
what is the daily amount of fluid that seeps from blood into tissue spaces
how does lymph transport back into blood
via subclavian veins
where does the subclavian vein drain lymph
from the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct
where does the right lymph duct collect lymph from
right arm
how long is the right lymphatic duct
approx 1.25cm long