Respiratory System Flashcards
What is the function of the respiration system?
- Supply cells with oxygen
- Remove carbon dioxide waste
Functions of Nose and Nasal cavity
- Inhaling and Exhaling
- Mucas lining and hairs (cilia) prevents foreign objects entering, warms the air and filters out impurities
Functions of the Mouth and Oral cavity
- Secondary point of inhaling and exhaling
- Common tube of transport for both respiratory and digestive system
Function of the Pharynx
- Common tube of transport for both respiratory and digestive system
Function of the Larnyx?
- A passageway for air movement
- Contains vocal chords for speech
Function of the Epiglottis?
- Hinged valve controlling air movement into tracea and food into oesophagus
- Prevents the reverse
Function of the trachea
- Tube for air movement
- Armoured with cartridge rings to prevent collapse
- Contains glands to moisten air and trap particle
Function of the lungs
- Exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen and vice versa
- Each lung is inside 2 membranes called the pleura
- The right Lung is 3 lobes, while the left has 2 due to the heart
Function of the Bronchi
- 2 branches from the end of trachea, one to each lung as well of major subdivisions of these
- Also contains glands and cartlidge
Function of the Bronchioles?
- Smaller subdivisions of Bronchi
- Air in Bronchioles is at body temprature, filtered and moisturised
Function of the aveoli?
- Air sacs that are one cell thick
- Look like grapes
- Closely linked to capillaries
- Used for gas exchange
Function of the ribcage?
- protects lungs and thoracic organs
- Used with intercostal muscles during breathing
What are Intercostal muscles?
- Muscles between ribcage that contract and relax during breathing
Function of the diaphram?
- Dome shaped muscle in bottom of ribcage
- Forms floor of thorcic cavity and roof of abdominal cavity
Describe Breathing
- To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide there must be a method for bringing air into and out of the lungs
- Includes the processes of inspiration and expiration
Mechanism for breathing
- Breathing relies on the passive ovement of air from areas of high pressure to areas of low prssure
What is inspiration
- Taking air into the lungs
- Air flows from high pressure to low pressure
- Lung volume increases, lowering air pressure in the lungs
Mechanics for Inspiration
- Diaphragm contracts, extending the chest cavity downwards
- External intercostal muscles contract extending the rib cage upwards and outwards
- The internal intercostal muscles relax
- As the pleura adheres to the internal wall of the chest cavity the lungs expand with the rib cage
- Air pressure now lower than the outside lungs causing air to flow in through the nose and trachea until air pressure stabilises
What is expiration
- Moving air out of the lungs
What is expiration
- Moving air out of the lungs
- Air flows from high to low pressure
- Lung volume decreases, increasing air pressure in the lungs
- Diaphragm relaxes, pushing the chest cavity upwards
- The internal intercostal muscles contract moving rib cage downwards and inwards
- External intercostal muscles relax
Rest and Exertion
- At rest the diaphragm is mainly responsible for changes in chest volume
- During heavier breathing movements of the rib cage become more important
Damage to the Pleura
- If the Pleura is damaged it can impact on lung expansion and cause significant pain
Symptoms of Asthma
- Shortness of breath (especially at night)
- Wheezing - a whistling or hissing sound when breathing out
- Coughing - may be chronic( usually at night or when exposed to dry air)
- Chest tightness
Symptoms of Asthma
Causes of Asthma
- Narrowing of the breaching airways, which interferes with normal movement of air into and out of the lungs
What is Bronchitis
A condition that occurs when the inner wals lining the main air passage of the lungs becomes infected and imflammed
Causes of Bronchitis
- caused by same virus that causes colds
- can develop from exposure to irratants
- can be brought on by gastroesophagel reflux disease
Causes of Bronchitis
- caused by same virus that causes colds
- can develop from exposure to irratants
What is emphysema
occurs do to lack of elasticity in the walls of the aveoli. Eventually the walls stretch and break which results in less efficient gas exchange
Describe the heart
- The pump that pushes blood around your body
- Membrane surrounding the heart = the pericardium which keeps the heart in place and stops it from overstretching
Describe the valves in the heart
- atrioventricular valves are between the atria and ventricles so blood cannot flow back into the ventricles. They have 2 cup/flaps of skin
- semi lunar valves = where blood leaves the heart. they have 3 flaps of skin
Describe blood vessels
- Blood flows around the body in blood vessels in a continuous pattern called circulation
What is an artery
Carries blood AWAY from the heart
What is a capillary?
Carries blood bewteen the cells
What is a vein?
Carries blood TO the heart
Describe blood flow in the arteries?
- Arteries are made of walls of smooth muscle and elastic fibres so they can stretch when blood is pumped into them
Describe smooth muscle contraction
When the muscles in the walls contract or relax, they are reducing or increasing the diameter of the artery to decrease/increase flow of blood in the body
- Contraction = vasonconstriction
- Relaxing = vasodilation
Arteries and Arteroles
- Arteries subdivide into smaller vessels (arterioles). They are the vessels that supply capillaries with blood
- They have walls of smooth muscle that comtract and relax to supply capillaries
Describe blood flow in veins
Veins sub divide into venules
- They dont have muscles walls and cannot chnage their diameter
- Waste products act as vasodilators
- Blood flow is constant is low
- Passeses vaves to stop backflow