Respiratory System Flashcards
What is aerobic respiration?
glucose + oxygen -> carbondioxide + water + ATP + heat
What are the four processes of the resp system?
- pulmonary ventilation: movement of air into and out of the lungs
- external respiration: O2 and CO2 exchange between the lungs and the blood
- gas transport: O2 and CO2 in the blood
- internal respiration: O2 and CO2 exchange between system blood vessels and tissues
Name the 5 areas of the conducting zone and whats the purpose.
- nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses
- pharynx
- larynx
- trachea
- bronchi and their large branches
moves air in and out of the lungs
Name the 3 areas of the resp zone and function
- resp bronchioles
- alveolar ducts
- alveoli
carry out gas exchange
What is the function of the nose and paranasal sinuses?
- provides airway for resp
- moistens and warms the entering air
- filters and cleans
- resonating chamber for speech
- contains olfactory receptors
What are the two regions of the nose?
external nose and nasal cavity
Describe external nose anatomy
root, bridge, dorsum nasai, apex, nares, alae, philtrum
Nasal cavity: location and bones associated with it
- divided by?
- what opens into the nasal pharynx?
- roof made of?
- ves
a. in and posterior to the external nose
b. divided by a midline septum: septal cartilage at front & vomer & ethmoid
c. posterior nasal apertures open into the nasal pharynx
d. roof: cribiform plate of ethmoid & sphenoid
e. floor: hard and soft palates
f. vestibule: nasal cavity superior to the nostrils that contain vibrissae hairs (trap debris from inspired air)
g. olfactory mucosa: lines superior nasal cavity, sense of smell
h. resp mucosa: pseudostratified ciliated columna epithelium, mucous and serous secretions: trap & attack - defenders, cilia move mucus and capture debris, inspired air is warmed by plexuses of caps & veins, sensory nerve endings: sneeze reflex -> expels debris
i. superior, middle and inferior conchae: protrude from the lateral walls, increase mucosal area, enhance air turbulence which slows the flow of air, facilitates warming, humidifying and cleaning of air, reclaiming of heat
Where are the paranasal sinuses located and their purpose?
frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxillary bones
lighten skull and help to warm and moisten air
Describe rhinitis and sinusitis.
Rhinitis: inflammation of nasal conchae: runny nose
Sinusitis: inflammation of sinus mucosa
Name the 3 areas of the pharynx and describe
- nasopharynx:
- air passageway only
- lining: pseudostratified columnar epithelium
- soft palate and uvula close
- pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids) (trap & destroy bacteria)
- pharyngotympanic (auditory) tubes - equalize pressure - oropharynx:
- passageway for food and air from soft palate to epiglottis
- lining: stratified squamous epithelium
- isthmus of the fauces: opening in oral cavity
- palatine tonsils: back of throat
- lingual tonsil: posterior surface of tongue - laryngopharynx:
- passageway for food and air
- lining: stratified squamous epithelium
- posterior to upright epiglottis
- extends to the larynx
- attaches to?
- 3 functions
- 9 cartilages: name 2
- true vocal cords (function and opening between them?)
- false vocal cords (function)
- attaches to hyoid bone
- 3 functions: vocal cords, provides open airway, directs food and air into proper channels
- 2 cartilages: thyroid cartilage with laryngeal prominence (adams apple)
epiglottis: elastic cartilage (covers glottis during swallowing) - true vocal cords:
fold of mucosa over vocal ligaments
vibration produces sound
opening between them is glottis - false vocal cords
superior to vocal folds
no part in sound production
helps closing glottis during swallowing
Name 5 things that factor into voice production
- speech: release of expired air while opening and closing glottis
- pitch: length and tension of vocal cords
- loudness: force of air passing over vocal cords
- resonance: sound quality
- sound: shaped into language - shape of lips, tongue, soft palate
What is valsalva’s maneuver?
assists emptying of rectum and bladder
- what is it?
- composed of 3 layers: name them and describe
- trachealis muscle: what is it made of and functions
- carina: what and where is it and function
- windpipe: from larynx to bronchi
- mucosa: pseudostratified ciliated columnar - innte most layer
submucosa: seromucus glands
adventitia: connective tissue with C shaped cartilage rings - outer most layer - made of smooth muscle
connects posterior parts of cartilage rings
contracts during coughing to expel mucus
allows esophagus to expand during swallowing - last tracheal cartilage
point where trachea branches into two bronchi
cough reflex triggered with foreign matter
Bronchi & Subdivisons:
- trachea branches into two bronchi, left & right (primary bronchi)
- branches into two lobar (secondary) bronchus
- branches into tertiary (segmental) bronchus repeatedly until bronchioles are less than 1mm in diameter
What structural changes occur from bronchi through to bronchioles?
- cartilage changes from C ring to irregular plates and then to none in bronchioles
- epithelium changes from pseudostratified columnar with cilia to stratified columnar epithelium with a few cilia and then to simple cuboidal epithelium in the bronchioles
- smooth muscle increases as tubes get smaller - bronchioles have complete rings of muscle.
How many alveoli account for most of the lungs volume and what are they the main site for?
300 million; main site for gas exchange