Chapter 9 Flashcards
Name 3 types of muscle tissue
- skeletal
- cardiac
- smooth
Does the skeletal muscle tissue have the following:
- striations
- attachment sites…what are they?
- are they voluntary?
- how strong are they?
- yes to stripes
- attached to bones
- voluntary conscious control
- powerful
Does the cardiac muscle tissue have the following:
- striations
- what is their function?
- are they voluntary?
- yes to stripes
- pumps blood
- involuntary
Does the smooth muscle tissue have the following:
- striations
- where are they located?
- are they voluntary?
- no to stripes
- located in walls of hollow organs
- involuntary
Name 4 characteristics of muscle tissue
- excitability - responsiveness
- contractility - able to decrease in length
- extensibility - able to stretch
- elasticity - is able to recoil to original length
Name 4 muscle functions:
- movement of bones or fluid
- maintaining posture
- stabilizing joints
- heat generation
Name the 3 connective tissue sheaths that muscles are wrapped in
- epimysium
- perimysium
- endomysium
What does epimysium surround and what type of connective tissue is it?
surrounds the whole muscle
dense regular
What does the permysium surround and what type of connective tissue is it?
surrounds each fascicle
What does the endomysium surround and what type of connective tissue is it?
surrounds each muscle fiber
What is the origin vs the insertion?
origin: attachment to bone that doesn’t move (usually proximal)
insertion: attachment to bone that does move (usually distal)
Describe how a muscle attaches directly.
the epimysium of muscle is fused to the periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage
Describe how a muscle attaches indirectly
connective tissue wrappings extend beyond the muscle as a ropelike tendon or sheet-like aponeurosis
Which is the most common attachment method:
direct or indirect
What are bundles of actin and myosin myofilaments that are enclosed in sarcoplasmic reticulum called?
What is the membrane around the outside of the muscle cell (muscle fiber) called? and where is it located?
located inside endomysium
Name 4 things the muscle cell cytoplasm contains and what is their function?
- mitochondria - ATP production
- glycosomes - stores glycogen
- myoglobin - stores oxygen
- myofibrils - for contraction
What is the name of the cytoplasm of the muscle cell?
What has terminal cisternae that store calcium ions?
sarcoplasmic reticulum
What are the channels from the sarcolemma into the cells called? and where are they located?
located at A and I band junctions
What are a pair of terminal cisternae and a t-tubule called?
What volume of a cell does the myofibrils take up?
Describe the striations exhibited by myofibrils and what are they called?
A bands - dark
I bands - light
What are the thick filaments in the myofibrils called?
What are the thin filaments in the myofibrils called?
What are the two proteins called that act as a control switch for muscle contraction?
Described the functions of tropomysin vs. troponin.
tropomysin blocks the binding sites on actin in relaxed muscle
troponin holds tropomysin in position
What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle fiber? and where is it located?
located in the region of a myofibril between two Z discs
What is a sarcomere composed of?
thick and thin myofilaments made of contractile proteins
What produces striations?
arrangement of myofilaments
What is the light band with Z disc in middle?
I band
What is the sheet of alpha actinin that anchors actin filaments?
Z disc
What are the dark bands that contain both myosin and actin?
A band
What is the lighter band in the middle of A band where there is only myosin present?
H zone
What is the middle of H zone; dark line containing myomesin which anchors myosin filaments?
M line
What protein are the elastic filaments composed of?
Where does the elastic filaments stretch from and what is their purpose?
stretch from Z disc to M line through myosin
help sarcomere return to original length after being stretched
When does shortening occur in the contraction of a muscle?
only occurs when tension generated by cross bridges on the thin filaments exceeds forces opposing the shortening
Describe the sliding filament model of contraction
- myosin heads bind to actin, detach and bind again to propel actin towards the M line
- as H zone shorten and disappear, sarcomeres shorten, muscle cells shorten and whole muscle shortens
What are the 2 requirements for skeletal muscle contraction?
- activation
2. excitation-contraction coupling
Describe activation
every muscle cell is in contact with a neuron
Describe excitation-contraction coupling
- generation and propagation of an action potential along the sarcolemma
- final trigger: brief rise in intracellular calcium levels
Where is the neuromuscular junction?
located half way along the muscle cell
What are the synaptic vesicles in the axon terminal called?
acetylcholine (ACH)
What contains the receptors for the ACH in the synaptic cleft?
Where does the initiation of a contraction start?
neuromuscular junction