Respiratory Physiology Flashcards
Control of Respiration: (2001)
How is respiration controlled? What are the normal values for blood gases?
Control of Respiration: (2004/07/09)
Describe and explain the physiological factors and mechanism which increase respiratory rate.
Mechanics of Breathing: (2000)
Briefly describe static and dynamic compliance in the lung and explain the reasons for differences between the two.
Pulmonary Gas Volumes and Ventilation: (2012)
What is meant by the term Functional Residual Capacity? Describe 2 methods by which it can be measured.
Pulmonary Gas Volumes and Ventilation: (2005)
Draw a respiratory flow/volume loop and outline how it is obtained. Briefly explain the physiological mechanisms involved in the concept of flow limitation.
Pulmonary Gas Volumes and Ventilation: (2003)
Define functional residual capacity. What can change its value and why is it of particular importance to anaesthetists?
Ventilation Perfusion Inequalities: (2009)
Explain what is end-tidal CO2? What factors influence the accuracy of end-tidal CO2?
Ventilation Perfusion Inequalities: (2005)
Define ventilation-perfusion inequality. Explain how ventilation-perfusion inequality occurs in a normal person and discuss the consequences.
Ventilation Perfusion Inequalities: (2002)
What is end-tidal CO2 and how does it differ from arterial CO2 tension and mixed expired CO2 tension? What factors influence it’s value?
Gas Transport in Blood: (2012)
Compare and contrast the carriage of carbon dioxide in arterial and mixed venous blood.
Gas Transport in Blood: (2010)
Discuss physiological consequences of hypocarbia as may occur with hyperventilation.
Gas Transport in Blood: (2009)
Explain how oxygen delivery to the tissues is maintained to meet its demands during normovolaemic haemodilution.
Gas Transport in Blood: (2006)
Describe the factors that determine oxygen delivery to tissues.
Gas Transport in Blood: (2005)
Briefly explain how oximetry can be used to estimate partial pressure of oxygen in a blood sample.
Gas Transport in Blood: (2000/04)
List the typical values in a mixed venous blood gas. Explain the factors that alter mixed venous PO2.