Respiratory- Peds Flashcards
Structure and Function of the Respiratory System in Children
- Nasal cavity
- Trachea
- Right/Left Lung
- Diaphragm
- Pleura
- Pharynx
- Epiglottis
- Larynx
- Bronchus
Purpose of the respiratory system
- Supply sufficient oxygen to meet the metabolic demands of the body
- Remove carbon dioxide from the body
Development of the Upper Airway
- Tongue is larger in proportion to mouth
- Pharynx is smaller
- Epiglottis is larger and floppier
- Larynx is more anterior and superior
- Narrowest at cricoid
- Trachea narrow and less rigid
Development of the lower airway
- Increase in lung volume
- Increase in diameter of lower airway structures
- Proliferation of alveoli across development
Musculoskeletal Development
- Increased rigidity of rib cage
- Changing position of ribs to spine across development.
- Rib cages are flexible, use energy to open those muscles
- Babies are belly breathers because of this
Evaluation of respirations
Rate, rhythm, depth, quality
Distress during breathing
Cessation of breathing
decreased depth (shallow) and irregular rhythm
Increased rate and depth
Kussmaul respiration-
Hyperventilation, gasping and labored respirations;usually seen in diabetic coma or other states of respiratory acidosis
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Gradually increasing rate and depth with periods of apnea
Seesaw (paradoxic) respirations
Chest falls on inspiration and rises on expiration
Last gasping breaths before death
Respiratory distress initial signs
Restlessness, tachypnea, nasal flaring, retractions, color changes, head bobbing, grunting, stridor, audible wheezing
Anxiety,irritability, decreased in LOC, confusion, hyper/hypotension
Imminent respiratory arrest
Bradypnea, bradycardia, cynosis, stupor, coma
Most common cause of cardiac rest in kids
Respiratory failure: ABG values
PaO2 < 60
PaCO2 > 50
Interventions for respiratory failure
- checking pulse ox
- Clear airway secretions
- Assess respiratory rate,effort, HR
- position them so airway is open
- suctioning
- coughing, having kids blow bubbles, IS, harmonicas, percussion, vibration
- Keep pt NPO
Inadequate gas exchange leads to
hypoxemia and hypercapnia
Respiratory alkalosis
Low CO2, high pH. hyperventilation
Respiratory acidosis
Elevated CO2, low pH. hypoventilation
Causes of hypoventilation
Airway obstruction, neuro-trauma
Cause of hyperventilation
Hypoxia, anxiety, fear
Clinical manifestations of respiratory acidosis
confusion, lethargy, headache, increased ICP, Coma (depressed kind of condition)
Clinical manifestations of respiratory alkalosis
Confusion, dizziness, neuromuscular irritability, muscle cramping/spasms (Hyper excitement)
- occurs in infants 2-months of age
- May occur during feeding, sleep, or awake
- CPR may be needed
- Cause of event is identified in approximately 50% of cases
- May be caused by reflux, seizures, infection
- Leading cause of death after 1 month
- Cause of death unknown
Risk factors of SUIDs
- low apgar scores
- viral infections
- siblings with SIDs
- male gender
- Native American, African American
Protective interventions of SUIDs
- Safe sleep practices
- Pacifier use
- Caregiver smoking cessation
Foreign body aspiration interventions
- Assess patency of airway and adequacy of ventilation
- CR and pulse ox monitor
- supplemental oxygen
- anticipate bronchoscopy
- child safety education
- good positioning
- Inflammation of the nose and throat
- Multiple viral or bacterial organisms
clinical manifestations
- Feeding poorly/poor apetite
- Lethargy
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Fever
- Upper airway congestion
- Comfort
- Maintain adequate fluid and nutritional intake
Nursing management
- Saline drops with nasal suction prior to feedings
- Cool-mist room humidifier
- Quite play and rest
- Encourage fluids
- Teach family good hand hygiene
Croup and Epiglottitis
Could be anything- inflammation of upper airway.
clinical manifestations
- 2-8 years
- Onset is rapid
- High fever
- Intense sore throat
- Dysphagia
- Drooling
- Prefers upright sitting position
- Inspiratory stridor
- Severe respiratory distress
Epiglottitis Care
- Do not put anything in their mouth
- Allow child to determine position of comfort
- Plan for tracheostomy or endotracheal intubation
- Oxygen
- IV fluids
- Antibiotics
- Common viral infection of the lower respiratory tract
- Common cold in adults
- More severe disease in young infants
- Respiratory syncytial virus most common
- wont go home well, just no more supportive care is needed
- Will have NG tubes
Bronchiolitis care
- Supportive management
- Ensure adequate nutrition and fluid intake
- Supplemental oxygen
- Monitor oxygen saturation
- Nasal/nasopharyngeal suctioning
- Highly contagious acute bacterial infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract
- Immunizations provides protection
Pertussis Care
- Antibiotics
- Airway management, supplemental oxygen
- Nutrition management
- Fluid management
- Respiratory assessment
- Family education, hand washing
1) airway obstruction/secretions
2) constriction of the airway
3) inflammation in the airway
Asthma management
1) Rescue bronchodilators (beta-agonist)
2) Systemic and inhaled corticosteroids
3) Asthma action plan for home management
Cystic fibrosis
A common inherited autosomal recessive disorder of the exocrine glands affecting the respiratory, GI, integumentary, musculoskeletal, and reproductive systems.
-Recessive disorder
Cystic fibrosis cause
- Caused by mutation in the CFTR gene
- Exocrine & epithelial cells have a defective chloride ion transport and decrease in the amount of water that can flow across the cell membrane
Cystic fibrosis manifestations
Chronic assumulation of thick. dry mucus in the respiratory, GI, and genitourinary systems.
-All body organs w/mucous ducts are damaged and obstructed in time
Cystic fibrosis nursing interventions
- Monitor respiratory rate,depth,VS, LOC, and O2 saturation
- Supplemental, humidified O2
- Position of comfort-Elevate HOB
- Suction nares
- Maintain hydration and nutrition
- Medications
- Assess and address anxiety
Can ride a tricycle
age 3
can jump
age 3
Climbs stairs with alternate foot pattern
age 3
Age 4
Hops on one foot
Age 4
throws ball
age 4
descends stairs with alternate food pattern
age 4
can throw and catch
age 5
jumps rope
age 5
increased balance
age 5
builds large tower
age 3
builds bridges
age 3
copies circles
age 3
cannot make stick figure may do circle with facial features
age 3
begin to use scissors
age 4
copies basic figures
age 4
adds 3 parts to a stick figure
age 4
can tie shoes
age 5
use scissors
age 5
copies figures has 7-9 parts on stick figrue
age 5
printing numbers and letters
age 5