Infant/Toddler Flashcards
At 5 months, the birth weight is….
At 1 year the birth weight is….
Height is increased by ___ by the end of the 1st year.
Head circumference at the end of the 1st year has increased in size by…..
Posterior fontanel first to close at….
6 to 8 weeks of age
Anterior fontanel is last to close at….
12-18 months
The prehension grasp starts at…..
2-3 months , it becomes more voluntary at 5 months
Manipulative skills increase beginning at….
6 months, includes holding a bottle or playing with their feet
Pincer grasp occurs as the palmer grasp is replaced at……
8-9 months.
Head control is established at…..
4-6 months
Rolling over from abdomen to back occurs first at….
5 months
Rolling over from back to abdomen occurs at…
6 months
Sitting alone occurs at…..
7 months
The infant can crawl at….
9 months
Standing position occurs at…
9 to 10 months
Age at which children begin to walk
1 year
Sensorimoter phase
Birth to 24 months. Deals with practical intelligence. As they move through, they learn basic concept that people are entities separate from objects.
Piaget 1st stage. (birth to 1 mo)
Neonatal reflex. All behavior is reflexive (sucking, swallowing..) as they progress, they perceive patterns.
Piaget 2nd stage (1 to 4 mos.)
Primary circular reaction. Infant begins to look at objects and separates self from the object.
Piaget 3rd stage (4 to 8 mo)
Infants will initiate, recognize and repeat pleasurable experiences (looking in a mirror, peek a boo).
Object permanence
Begins around 6 to 8 mo. Leads to issues when the infant is left by parent because the infant realizes the parent still exists.
Piaget 4th stage (9-12 mo)
Coordination of secondary schemas. Object permanence continues to develop with inanimate objects. Will hit mobile to make it move, remove barriers.
Toddlers weight…
gains 5-6 lbs per year
Toddlers height….
gains 3 inches per year, mainly elongation of the legs
Toddlers head circumference
Increases about 1 inch in 2nd year and 0.5 in/year after that
Piaget Sensorimotor 5th stage
Tertiary circular reaction: Child experiments to learn new things about objects/events. Begin to understand cause and effect.
Piaget sensorimoter 6th stage
Invention of New Means through Mental Combinations:Object permanence is complete. Child can solve basic problems through memory/imitation
Munchausen by Proxy
A form of medical child abuse as the parent brings child in for care as an attention seeking behavior. 2 classic findings include problem not seen on PE just from he history and problem disappears when abuser is no longer providing care.
Age at which child understands works like “no” and can respond to simple commands.
9 months
Age at which child begins to say “mama” and “dada”
6 months