What is chickenpox
It is acute highly contagious viral infection
The infective agent of chickenpox is
Herpes zoster virus(Dna virus from herps viridae)
Other names for chickenpox
Chickenpox characterstic sign is
Vesicular skin rash
Chickenpox only affect adults or children
Children (i t is acute mild infection of childhood)
Incupation period of chickenpox is
2weeks (from 10 to 21days)
Mode of transmission of chickenpox
1.airborn inhilation of respiratory secretion contact with skin lesion
3.the virus can cross the placenta leading to -congenital varicella-
Communicability period of chickenpox
From 2 days before the rash to 5 days after
(Infectivity cease once the lesion have become crusted)
Chickenpox vesicular rash first appear in
First appear in face , trunk and then cover all over the body
Chickenpox host ?
Human is the only host
What time of the year chickenpox occur at
First 6 mounths of the year (in children)
Prevention , control of chickenpox
1.children maybe excluded from school until the rash resolve paitent including pregnant women should be isolated ,hospitalized , given antiviral drug ((acyclovir))
((Zoster immunoglobulin -ZIG))
Given with in 10 days after exposure to infection
-/chickenpox live attenuated vaccine now avilable
Other names gor SMALLPOX
When small pox get Eradicated
It eradicated on may 8th 1980
What is the epidemilogical factors that lead to Global small pox eradication
1.No long term carrier
2.human is the only reservoir
(No known animal reservoir)
3.high effective vaccine
4.immunity is live long
5.clinical dx is simple
6.subclinical cases dose not transmit the disease cooperation
What is the different between chickenpox and small pox
rash:-1-superficial , -2-centripetal
CENTRIPETAL((more in trunk , very few in arms , hands))
-4-scales forms 4to 7 days after rash and are NONINFECTIOUS
Mortality:less than 1%
Small pox
Virus:pox virus
Symptoms : sever
Rash:1.deep, 2Centrifugal (more on Extermities))
4.scales form 10-14 days after rash , are infectious
5.more than 10% mortality rate
Diptheria causative organism
Corynebacterium Diptheria
Special characteristic sign of dipatheria
Characterize by False membrane in throat
Incupation period of diptheria
Less than 1 week
Route of transmition in diptheria is
1.The most common route is Respiratory by droplet infection contact through skin cuts , wounds
3.transmition through contaminating milk
The effect of Diptheria on the Host is
It affect mainly children and rarely adults unless unimmunized
It cause epithelial necrosis and formation of psudomembrane
Dipatherial symptoms is
Cervical adenitis((classical Bull neck))
Submandibular , anterior cervical LN
Horseness of voice , cough, dysphagia
Complication of diptheria is
Myocarditis , neuritis , paralysis
Prevention , control of diptheria مهم
1.Early detection (by taking swabs from nose , throat)
2.isolation for 14 days or till 2 swabs are negative
3.Diptheria antitoxin treatment
4.Antibiotic like penicillin , erythromycine
-During pregnancy 4 doses in hexa vaccine 2,4,6 )
-Bosster at age of 18 month
-DT at age of 6
Can the immunization protect You from being a carrier ?
No , it cant protect You from being a carrier
How to confirm the eliminaton of diptherial organism
By 3 consecutive negative Culture
Whooping cough caused by
Bordetella pertusis
Mode of transmission in whooping cough
Droplet infection//direct contact in early stages
Incupation period of pertusis is
From 7 to 14
Communicablity period of pertusis
From the moment of catarrhal symptom for up to one month
Host factor related to pertusis
1.disease of young children (50% of cases less than 1 year )
2.the attack rat reach 90% of unimmunized people
3.Fatality more common in female children
4.single attack confers Good immunity ((second attack is rare)) chronic carrier state may get atypical form of the disease
Disease seaons of
It occur in all seasons , Peaks in Match , April
Note all these diseases incrase with overcrowding , low socioeconomic state
Prevention , control of pertusis
2.Erythromycine 40mg/kg in 4 divided doses for 2 weeks
3.supporative treatment like O2 , small frequent meals
4.chemoprophylaxis (Cortimoxazol) for 7 days
5.a heat killed whole vaccine ((not given over the age 3 years old))
6.DTap as part of Hexa vaccine
7.passive immunization with snti pertussive immunoglobulin
What is Tetanus
It is acure specific infectious disease induced by neurotoxin ((tetanospasmin-exotoxin)) caused by clostridum tetani
Note tetanus is sn important cause of death about half being newborn , infants
Mode of transmition of tetanus
Contamination of wound with spore bearing soil
Incupation period
5/15 days