Hiv/Aids Flashcards
Aids stand for
Aquired immuni deficiency syndrom
Hiv stand for
Human immuno deficiency syndrom
Prevalence of aids in libya
More than 90% of recent infection due to Iv drug abuse
Causative agent of aids is
HIV(Human immuni deficiency virus)
Belong to subfamily -Lentivirus- 》 from Retrovirus Family
Mode of transmision of HIV
1.Sexual transmission
2.Transfusion of contaminated blood , blood product
3.throug skin ,piercing instrument (needles)
4.perinatal transmission (mother to child)
What is the predominant route of transmisson for aids
Globally -Heterosexual route- is the predominant route of transmission
What is the reservoir for Hiv infection
The reservoir of infection are the
1. Cases , carriers
Hiv occure due to destruction of …….
CD4 t lymphocytes
Incupation period for HIV is
From few months to ten Years
Window period for HIV
Period from aquiring the infection until apperance of antibodies
(6weeks to 3months)
During this period the paithent highly infectious and -ELISA test is negative but PCR positive-
Talke about the stages of HIV infection
Stage 1 infection , antibody development
Take 2 to 12 week for antibody production
Called window period
CD4 remain normal , more than 950/mm³
Stage 2 asymptomatic carrier state
Only present with generalized lymphadenopathy
CD4 count less than 350/mm³
Stage 3 Aids related complex
No cancer or opportunstic infection
May be some symptom like
Generalized lymphadenopathy , oral thrush , chronic diarrhoea
Stage 4 Aids
CD4 less than 200/mm³
Sever opportunstic infection LIKE
TB , herps simplex or zoster or pnumocytosis
Kaposi sarcoma , Cns lymphoma
Lap dx for HIV
1Screening by Elisa test for antibody to Hiv then westren blot to confirm
(Polymerase chain reaction PCR)
2.virus isolation
3.CD4 count , CD4 percentage , viral load
Preventation , control to HIV
1.No cure or vaccine
2.antiviral treatment can slow the course of yhe disease education about danger of sharing needles
4.avoiding adultry
5.proper sterilization of instrument , proper disposal of health care wast
6 screening for blood , blood product for HIV before transfusion