COVID19 Flashcards
Infective agent
SARS-COV2 Family of coronaviridae
((Sever acute respiratory syndrome))
Mortality of corona
High in elderly
Incupation period of corona
Most commonly around 5 days but may extended more than 14 days
With current quarantine period
What is the most likely ecological Resirvoir of corona virus
The Bats
Mode of trasmition
Human to human by direct contact
Indirect mode of transmission by contact with contaminating surface or object
Does infection with corinavirus only affect the respiratory system ?
No , it coulde also affect the neurological tissue
Diagnosis of corona viruse by ?
1.RT-PCR (real time Reverse transcreptase polymerase chain reaction)
2. CT scan
PCR sensetivity for corona virus
Sensitivity of 71-98% 》 false negative rate 2 to 29%
Prevention , control of covid finding , isolation ,contact tracing and quarantine for 14 days
2.testing all paithent with Atypical pnumonia , screening some paithent with UTI education sanitation
5.personal hygiene
6.avoiding crowding by social distance
7use disinfectant for surfaces and alchol rub for hands
8.confirmed paithen should be isolated , treated
9.supporative care with (O2 theraphy , fluid managment)
1p vaccination
Covid vaccine formed by
It formed by s protien of SARS COV 2
What is the epidemilogical triad for covid 19 ?
Fever , cough , malaise