Influenza Flashcards
Influnza type A communicability period
Infectivity is very high and extend in short time until pyrexia settle
Incupation period of influnza type A
From 12 h to 5 days
Mode of transmition of influnza type A
1.Droplet infection
3.contaminating articles
Factor responsible for Rapid spread of influnza virus
1.large number of subclinic cases
2.short incupation period
3.short duration of immunity
4.absence of cross immunity
Pathological agent of influnza is
Influnza type A,B,C , from Orthomyoviridae family
Complication of influnza
Seasons of influnza outbrak accourding to earth hemisphere
Souther hemisphere from may to september
Northen hemiphere in the winter
Influnza virus can survive in
1.humid low tempreture places
2.overcrowding ares
((Virus can be killed by heat sun ray , formalin ))
Diagnoisis of influnza virus
1.virus culture (by swaps)
2.detection of viral antigen by photofluroscopy
3.reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (Rt-PCR)
Prevention , control of influnza
2. Amantadine (100mg twice daily)
Given to high risk gruop protect 70% of the symptoms
3.National , international monitoring education
2.prompt reporting
3.survaeillance of influnza can extend even to animals