Meningitis Flashcards
Geographically where is the meningitis belt
It lays between 5-15 degree north of the Equator in Tropical Africa
Why meningitis cases in libya has dramatically declines
1.introduction of the vaccine to school children
2.administration of chemoprophylaxis to contacts
3.improvement of housing and standard of living
Incupation period of meningitis
3to 4 days may extend to 10 days
Period of communicablitiy of meningitis
Until meninigiococcal no longer present in discharge from nose , throat
, cases becom un ifectious within 24 hour
Mode of transmisssion
1.Droplet infection is the main route
2.meninigies also infected via blood
Causative agent of meninigitis. In adult is
Niesseria meninigitis (Gram negative cocci)
Causative organism of meninigitis in Children is
Haemophilus influenza type B Staph , Strpto , Ecoli
Meninigitis in immunocompromised paithent occur due to
Cryptococcus neoformans
Chronic meninigitis due to
Tb meninigitis
Diagnosis of meninigitis
1.Lumpar puncture
(Antigen detection of both Csf , Blood)
Prevention, control of meninigitis
1.Early diagnosis to promote the treatment with Iv antibiotic (pencilin ,,chloamphinicol)
2.chemoprophylaxis of close cotact with
A.rifampicine 600mg twice daily for 2 days
B.Ciprofloxacine 500mg single dose
C.single injection of Ciftriaxone ((3rd generation cephalosporin))
4.effective Vaccination
Meninigitis vaccine made from
N.meninigiococcal polysccharide antigen
Meninigiococcal polysccharide polyvalent (A-C-Y-W135) give immunity last for 3 years
Hexa vaccine given every 2 ,4 ,6 months of age and it contain vaccine to
HEPATITIS B ,PoLio mylitis , haemophilus type B